Jack Cafferty: Says what everyone is thinking + Turtles

Sep 30, 2008 02:12

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Admittedly this is nothing new, but Cafferty's righteous anger gets me and Sarah Palin offends me on a very deep level. Enjoy the videos.

Source: YouTube + CNN?

ETA: If you want something new, enjoy this article on Leatherback Turtles

Leatherback Turtles Return To Coast

MOSS LANDING, Calif. -- Endangered leatherback sea turtles have been spotted again off the central California coast after a two-year hiatus, drawn by jellyfish swarming the area.

MOSS LANDING, Calif. -- Endangered leatherback sea turtles have been spotted again off the central California coast after a two-year hiatus, drawn by jellyfish swarming the area.

Scientists with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration tagged and monitored the leatherbacks during a monthlong survey aboard a research ship and by aircraft. The species, which has been around for 100 million years, has seen its population cut by more than 90 percent over the past 25 years and recently had gone missing from the California coast until this survey.

"We're getting a better understanding of the leatherbacks and their coastal habitat here after several years when the population was much lower than usual -- and after we observed none at all in 2006," said Scott Benson, chief scientist for the NOAA's leatherback survey mission based in Moss Landing.

Scientists spotted the turtles as close as 5 miles from shore, Benson said.

The leatherbacks appear to be drawn back by the influx of jellyfish, whose stinging tentacles make for an irresistible snack after the 7,000-mile swim across the Pacific from Indonesia and the Solomon Islands, where the turtles nest and lay their eggs.

The huge abundance of jellyfish apparently is caused by increased upwelling of nutrients like krill and plankton from just above the sea floor this year, Benson said.


cnn, ninjas, jack cafferty, sarah palin / palin family, turtles

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