Rick Santorum's Google problem remains

Jan 05, 2012 11:16

Rick Santorum, who lost by just eight votes to Mitt Romney in Iowa's caucuses this week, has several roadblocks in the way of transitioning Tuesday's impressive finish to a Republican presidential nomination: a limited war chest, a meager campaign infrastructure and a history of controversial stances on social issues ( Read more... )

oh not this shit again, google, rick santorum, oh shit the internet is here

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ten_of_swords January 5 2012, 16:26:16 UTC
I may be alone in this, but the whole fake definition for "santorum" isn't funny to me. As someone who shares a last name with another Republican asshole, I can say from firsthand experience people asking if you're related to them is bad enough. Then there was a thing on urbandictionary trying to equate my last name with something gross. I feel bad for people with the last name Santorum, not only do they have this momentous douchebag with the same name but the internet has run rampant associating their name with fecal matter.


decuvieri January 5 2012, 17:13:43 UTC
You're not alone. Rick Santorum isn't worthy of an iota of respect as he has proven to be an idiotic, shitty human being and a piss-poor politician. That said, the whole "Spreading Santorum" thing irritates the fuck out of me. Not only is it damaging to those outside of it who are unfortunate enough to share the surname, but it's just not funny. I really hope Jon Stuart's pledge to stop making "Santorum" jokes was sincere, because I cannot roll my eyes hard enough when somebody makes a reference and think they're being clever.

To be fair, I also believe Dan Savage is a piece of shit too, so that might have made me predisposed to loathe the campaign from the start.


ten_of_swords January 5 2012, 17:15:37 UTC
Yeah, I never want to participate in anything relating to Dan Savage.


ms_mmelissa January 5 2012, 17:24:58 UTC
Yeah, I've always felt uncomfortable with it as well.

Melissa McEwan wrote a nice piece on the subject and how it amounts to bullying a bully and how ultimately nobody wins just yesterday!



ten_of_swords January 5 2012, 17:34:57 UTC
This is a good article. I also agree with feeling uncomfortable that a facet of gay sex (and anal sex in general, but it's obviously supposed to be viewed as gay sex) is supposed to be used as a negative force against someone.


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ten_of_swords January 5 2012, 17:56:51 UTC
I like that it fucks with him as well, I just wish there was a less childish way of doing it, or a way that didn't glorify Savage.


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ten_of_swords January 5 2012, 18:04:26 UTC
I get that totally. Does he deserve a really thought out, mature response/attack? Probably not. So I do understand.


___closetome January 5 2012, 18:49:15 UTC
I hate Dan Savage but spreading santorum was the best thing he's ever done. "Bullying a bully" boo fucking hoo. If rick's going to equate gay sex with bestiality and say that it defies nature, then yes he deserves to be named after one of the ~dirtier aspects of gay anal sex. It's immature but so fucking what. /rageee


sparkindarkness January 6 2012, 10:26:18 UTC
Agreed. I'm so tired of people expecting us to play NICE with the bigots


minilovely January 5 2012, 19:08:36 UTC
especially since we all know Santorum hates sodomy of any kind

tbh, I'm pretty sure that's the whole point, especially given that it was done in response to anti-LGBT remarks. idk if I'd call it "reclaiming," but it's certainly not an "ew, Santorum is gross just like gay sex" thing.


minilovely January 5 2012, 19:12:05 UTC
especially since we all know Santorum hates sodomy of any kind

tbh I'm pretty sure that's the whole point, especially considering this was done after Santorum made anti-LGBT remarks. idk if I'd call it "reclaiming," but it's certainly not an "ew, Santorum is gross just like gay sex" thing.

edit: oh wah fuck you LJ, you told me it didn't go through the first time


sparkindarkness January 6 2012, 10:25:43 UTC
That makes me uncomfortable as well - if we're taking Santorum as related to gay male sex specifically, then we have all these non-gay men saying how homophobic it is for a gay man to invent this term as a defence against this bigot and other gay men to use it. I dislike the white knighting intensely and all these non-gay men telling us what we should be offended by

And the equating it to bullying? ye gods.


sparkindarkness January 6 2012, 10:23:21 UTC
But as you say this is clearly aimed at gay male sex - and I'm really uncomfortable of melissa McEwan and other non-gay men presuming to accuse gay men of homophobia for saying this about Santorum - and equating it to homophobic bullying? seriously out of line


ten_of_swords January 6 2012, 13:39:48 UTC
No, you're right. It's not up to a straight person to dictate.


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