This would be funnier, if not for other Ron Paul endorsements

Dec 29, 2011 22:46

Former Bachmann chair decided to switch to Paul tonight.

Kent Sorenson, the one-time chair of Michele Bachmann's Iowa campaign who threw a jolt into the caucuses by switching to Ron Paul tonight, said he only told Paul officials of his decision when he arrived at a Des Moines rally for the congressman tonight

"10 minutes ago," Sorenson, a GOP state senator, told POLITICO about when the Paul campaign found out he was moving to their camp.

In one of the most surprising moments of the 2012 campaign, Sorenson strolled on stage just moments before Paul was set to speak and declared that he had switched his allegiance. Just hours earlier, he had been at a Bachmann campaign event with his former candidate. Sorenson's switch is a major boost to Paul's campaign, which has been dogged by criticism from establishment Republicans that his support here was largely among Democrats and independents.

A furious Bachmann accused her former chair of being bought off.

"Kent Sorenson personally told me he was offered a large sum of money to go to work for the Paul campaign," said the Minnesotan in a statement

Paul campaign chair Jesse Benton flatly denied that they were paying Sorenson.

"No, she doesn't have a clue," Benton told POLITICO.

Asked why Bachmann would make such an accusation, Benton shot back: "Because she just lost her campaign chairman and her campaign is floundering."

The state senator said he called Bachmann on the phone right before he arrived at the Iowa state fairgrounds, where the Paul event is being held.

Sorenson declined to share her reaction, but suggested the GOP contest had become a two-man race and that he wanted to defeat Mitt Romney.

"I adore Michele Bachmann, but the fact of the matter is I believe we have an opportunity to take Romney out here in Iowa and I believe that person is Ron Paul," he said behind the stage while his new candidate addressed about 500 supporters.

Asked what he'd say to those Republicans who saw him as disloyal for abandoning a candidate who had been struggling in the polls, Sorenson said: "I love Michele, I love the Bachmann family, but I love this country, also."

Sorenson explained that Paul had campaigned for him in his state senate bid and that he had stayed in touch with the congressman's local supporters even after signing up with Bachmann.

Those conversations intensified in the last few days, according to both Sorenson and Benton, but the Iowan said Paul's team didn't know until he showed up at the event that he had firmly decided to switch.

Benton, in a seperate interview, said he couldn't recall who made the first call but that it was clear two days ago that Sorenson was inclined to switch.

"He said he wanted to pray on it, talk to his wife about it," said Benton.

As for how the campaign had a press release prepared, Benton said they wanted to be ready in the case Sorenson came around to 100 percent

"He showed up tonight and said, 'Hey, can I get on stage and do it,'" said Benton.

The Paul chief said they would Sorenson out on as a surrogate for the final days.

"He's got a pretty compelling case," said Benton, sounding out Sorenson's message. "'I thought there were two good conservatives in this race but there's only one that can beat Mitt Romney.'"

Said Sorenson: "I'm at their service the next five days."

I can't say I have any use for Bachman, though all the recent stuff about Ron Paul is heartbreaking. There's always Buddy Roemer :)

pwned, iowa, ron paul, michele bachmann, presidential candidates, primaries, republican party

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