Fischer: ‘Every homosexual represents a heightened security risk’

Dec 20, 2011 09:06

American Family Association spokesman Bryan Fischer said on Focal Point Monday that gays and lesbians could endanger the military and represent a risk to the country’s security because of mental health problems in the gay community.

Researchers have consistently linked prejudice and stigma against gays and lesbians to increased feelings of depression and anxiety, and Fischer skews such research to make it seem that gay people are intrinsically unstable.

Such claims are no surprise coming from Fischer, who has warned that the repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell was a “treasonous” act that would leave America “with a military comprised of nothing but sexual deviants.”

Fischer also said that gays “represent an increased risk to national security,” calling openly gay service in the military “foolish.”

While referencing the Bradley Manning case, Fischer said that “if you have compassion for people, you want homosexuals to get help,” and that gays should be prohibited from handling “sensitive national security information.”


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Tbh as somebody who lives in the Metro area I'd love to know what he'd say if he knew how many queer people already work in the Pentagon and all over the Hill. THEY ARE AMONG US OMG~~

I can't even get mad at this one, I'm just laughing.

homophobia, dont ask dont tell, lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities, army

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