Amg Gays are killing marriage!

Dec 19, 2011 16:08

Santorum blames Gays for Plummeting Marriage rate

Rick Santorum blamed same-sex marriage for plummeting marriage rates, this morning, tweeting out this article about a new Pew marriage survey. The study found that “the number of married couples dropped a startling five percent between 2009 and 2010 and has declined by more than 20 percent since 1960.” Today, barely half of Americans over the age 18 are married. But Pew attributes the decline not to same-sex marriage - which would actually increase rates - but a combination of factors including: the social acceptance of cohabitation, a greater emphasis on higher education and career development, and the desire to develop financial independence before tying the knot.


Not really a News Flash, given it's a week old, but I haven't seen it here, and really, his comments aren't anything new, Conservatives have been claiming for years, that Gay marriage will lead to fewer straight marriages. Though I find it difficult to wrap my head around that 'logic'.

rick santorum, marriage equality

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