Info Posts Return with.... Mental Health

Dec 04, 2011 10:41

MENTAL HEALTH SERIES : General Information/Discussion Post

Info posts may contain triggering elements, so please be mindful of the topic and read at your own discretion. Specific triggers and warnings are listed below, but if any additional warnings are needed please don't be shy about making the suggestion. Thanks!


mental health / illness, psychology, !mod post, health, lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities

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Comments 431

INTERNATIONAL RESOURCE THREAD lickety_split December 4 2011, 18:43:53 UTC
If you have any foreign language/international resource links, please post them here.

Message: Please provide legitimate links along with a brief description. Do not post trollish links in this thread or I will come at you.


UK and ROI, English ceasetoknow December 4 2011, 20:54:01 UTC

The Samaritans run a helpline, and offer email, letter writing and face to face support if you need someone to talk too (FYI calls cost unless you reverse call them.) More info about what they do on the page I linked to and at the top of the page there's a link to another organisation for international support.


FINLAND / FINNISH valkeakuulas December 4 2011, 21:31:15 UTC
These are some links: more practical than strictly collections of articles, though ( ... )


MENTAL HEALTH SIGN-UP THREAD lickety_split December 4 2011, 18:46:00 UTC
This is a sign-up thread for anyone who hasn’t already offered their assistance with future Mental Health posts, and for people who just want to make sure that I have their name on the contact list.

Your comment should list the topic(s) you’d like to chip in with.

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO REMAIN ANONYMOUS, please send me a PM. Maybe we'll get a special Info Post email going. No promises, but stay tuned.


Re: MENTAL HEALTH SIGN-UP THREAD cinematicxlie December 4 2011, 19:21:04 UTC
I could chip in regarding schizophrenia, depression, anxiety and mental health regarding people of color. All personal experiences.


Re: MENTAL HEALTH SIGN-UP THREAD dangerousdame December 4 2011, 19:36:25 UTC
I can talk about depression from personal experience, and bipolar disorder and substance abuse from work-related experience.


Re: MENTAL HEALTH SIGN-UP THREAD _morning_glow December 4 2011, 19:44:08 UTC


leprofessional December 4 2011, 19:03:01 UTC
Thank you for the info on SAD bb


starsinshapes December 4 2011, 19:07:05 UTC
Is being 25 and still having imaginary friends/having an imaginary life (even though you know it's not real) a sign of mental illness? Personally I see it as being an only child an not growing out of childhood fantasy that made life less lonely. A security blanket/coping mechanism if you will.


lickety_split December 4 2011, 19:10:07 UTC
LMAO as a fellow mid-twenties only child I can attest that this is perfectly normal. I've totally got a Hannah Montana thing going on in my head.


leprofessional December 4 2011, 19:23:16 UTC
I like the description of mental illness as something that disrupts/inhibits daily living patterns and interactions with others.


cinematicxlie December 4 2011, 19:33:11 UTC
I'm 20 and I do the same thing. My dream world is like the ass-kicking parts in Sucker Punch but with more clothes on. I have a sister who's 17 years older, so I was raised like an only child.

However, my dad does the exact same thing and a) he just turned 60 and b) he was a middle child. My dad's just awesome like that though.


Question kijikun December 4 2011, 19:25:46 UTC
This must be the wrong place/time for this, but how do I get Social anxiety disorder recognized? I've been diagnosed Bipolar and ADHAD, but not Social anxiety disorder even though I've had other doctors' tell me I have it.

And is there anyone in the Dallas area that can recommended good low cost psychiatrist? I'm trying to get into Northstar program or parkland, but in the mean time I'm going with the meds unmanaged and using my GP for writing me prescriptions.


Re: Question liret December 4 2011, 23:42:01 UTC
I got mine diagnosed after I finally explained in detail to the psychiatrist how I felt in social situations and that I'd always had these problems. This probably sounds like a silly answer if you've already done that, but I would get intimidated by doctors because I felt like they were important and I didn't want to waste their time by talking about anything other then my major, obvious issues, and I later found out this is fairly common for people with my kind of social anxieties.


Re: Question kijikun December 5 2011, 22:29:11 UTC
Yes! That's me exactly. I'll try to have a letter typed up for my next appointment.


Re: Question fimh December 5 2011, 16:30:17 UTC
have you tried saying to your dr "i have social anxiety disorder' in my experience being blunt with DRs makes them listen


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