I just can't with this man.

Nov 22, 2011 12:40

Rush Limbaugh Calls The First Lady 'Uppity'
Rush Limbaugh doesn't even try to veil his racism anymore. Earlier today, I reported that First Lady Michelle Obama and Second Lady Jill Biden were booed at a NASCAR race that they were attending in support the troops. Limbaugh defended the booing fans by calling Obama “uppity.”

The word “uppity” really has just one meaning, it is used to describe black people who have succeeded, black people who don't “know their place.” There is nothing ambiguous about the word “uppity.”

Rush from today’s show:

Bottom line, we don’t like being told what to eat; we don’t like being told how much to exercise; we don’t like being told what we’ve got to drive; we don’t like wasting money; we don’t like our economy being bankrupted. We don’t like 14% unemployment. The question is, what the hell is there to cheer for when Miss Obama and Ms. Biden show up? NASCAR people, as are most people in this country, are mature, tolerant people, who fully understand when they’re being insulted and condescended to. And they remember being called bitter clingers. They know that in their hearts the Obamas don’t like them. We’ve taken notice of this, as has, by the way, Chris Matthews. And a lot of congressional Democrats are also fully aware that the Obamas just don’t like a lot of people, and they don’t like hanging around a lot of people.

I’ll tell you something else. We don’t like paying millions of dollars for Mrs. Obama’s vacations. The NASCAR crowd doesn’t quite understand why when the husband and the wife are going to the same place, the first lady has to take her own Boeing 757 with family and kids and hangers-on four hours earlier than her husband, who will be on his 747. NASCAR people understand that’s a little bit of a waste. They understand it’s a little bit of uppity-ism.

Video Below:

Of course, almost none of what Limbaugh said is true. If people were being told what to eat/how much to exercise/what to drive, Limbaugh would be leading a very different life. And the whole meme about Presidential travel? Not so much. Yeah, the unemployment rate is really bad, but the blame for that lands almost exclusively in the laps of Limbaugh’s Republicans and Limbaugh’s multinational corporatists.

Do the Obamas like people?

My guess is that they are much more amenable to people than Rush the Magic Misanthrope.


I'm torn between OH NO HE DID NOT JUST SAY THAT ABOUT MICHELLE "FABULOUS INCARNATE" OBAMA and complete and utter horror at the blatant racism.

Also lol @ "NASCAR people". Talk about being condescending.

oh not this shit again, you stay classy, jill biden, reaction .gif post, scumbags, michelle obama, oppression, honkeyshines, race / racism, rush limbaugh, obama family, you have annoyed me for the last time

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