Congress Approval Rating Lower Than Porn, Polygamy, BP Oil Spill, 'U.S. Going Communist'

Nov 18, 2011 00:08

A greater percentage of Americans approve of polygamy than the United States Congress, according a set of polls.

Last month, a New York Times poll found that Congress' approval rating fell to an all-time low of 9 percent. Meanwhile, a recent Gallup poll found that 11 percent of people found polygamy "morally acceptable." Additionally, 30 percent of Americans expressed approval of pornography.

The Fix posted a telling chart created by Senator Michael Bennet that compared Congress' approval rating to a slew of unpopular people, things and ideas. "U.S. going communist" received an 11 percent approval rating, banks netted 23 percent and the BP oil spill received a shocking 16 percent. (to be precise, Senator Bennet said that BP the corporation had a 16 percent approval rate at the height of the oil spill crisis.  The way HuffPo wrote it, it sounds like 16 percent approve the oil spill, which made me go D: ~OP)

A recent CNN poll showed that 52 percent of Americans surveyed approved of the individual mandate element of last year's health care reform, an issue that half of Congress railed against.

It's also worth noting that, during the Watergade scandal, Nixon's approval rating was at 23 percent.

Watch Senator Bennet discuss Congress' abysmal approval rating below.

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fail, congress, charts n shit

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