INFO POST! WOMEN'S HEALTH: Menstruation & You

Nov 06, 2011 10:46

DISCLAIMER: Info posts may contain triggering elements, so please be mindful of the topic and read at your own discretion. This post contains images but none that are sexually graphic (unless the cartoon uterus diagram is your thing idk).

SPECIFIC TRIGGER WARNINGS: depression, suicideThese posts are a "safe space" to ask questions you might ( Read more... )

mental health / illness, womens health, !mod post, health

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Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS lickety_split November 6 2011, 18:48:08 UTC
Birth Control: I’m probably going to hold onto this one for a few weeks.

In Progress
Bullying: It’s in the earliest stages.
Depression: Also in the earliest stages.
Domestic Violence: At the same stage of “in progress” as the two above it. Depending on which one I get to first will be the topic for next week, so just be warned that next week’s post will probably have trigger warnings all over the place. ……..LOL watch, I’m gonna get some bright idea and next week’s post winds up being something like “HOW PUPPEHZ AND KITTEHZ WILL SAVE TEH WORLD”.
LGBTQI: This is going to be the post that will kick off the first of an ongoing series. Please, please, please don’t be shy about suggesting topics pertaining to the queer community that you would like to see highlighted here. And since we’re on the subject, which set of initials do you guys think is the most ideal to use for these posts?

POTUS Elections: I cannot waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait for 2012!

NOTE: If you have any suggestions or contributions for future topics, I'd be more than happy to accept! If you would like to maintain privacy, please just shoot me a PM. Thanks everyone, you guys have been awesome in these posts and I can't wait to post more! I’ve already gotten lots of GREAT messages from you guys about future topics so people keep em coming!

AND ONE MORE THING! Please spare me and don’t suggest topics that are going to hurt and offend people. I’m not interested in highlighting groups that justify hatred, bigotry, or the notion that one group is “better” than another. I’m not going to accept topics that shame or encourage people to suffer in silence for the convenience of the majority. And if you decide to suggest such a topic anyway, don’t end your comment/message with “So what do you think?” because my reply is going to contain EXACTLY THAT so, yeah. No. Don’t.

Thank you everyone!

EDIT: Also...



Re: Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS bellonia November 6 2011, 18:58:32 UTC
I don't know if these are specifically what you had in mind, but some things that would be immensely valuable:

For the LGBTQI series, could there be one on LGBTQI mental health and resources?

Domestic abuse and resources...

LGBTQI youth resources?

Even if the posts become link fests or stories of using/needing them, I think having a consolidated reference point with national and international contributors would be awesome.

and will the discussion/info posts have a tag?


Re: Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS fenris_lorsrai November 6 2011, 19:05:17 UTC
Related: elderly LGBTQI not covered as much, but older LGBTQI people have very different concerns regarding power of attorney, whether they're allowed to share a room in elder care facilities (they often aren't), assets, and so on.


Re: Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS romp November 6 2011, 20:41:26 UTC
I'm looking forward to Gen Silent coming out on DVD. All libraries should have it.


Re: Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS lickety_split November 6 2011, 19:06:13 UTC
Agreed to all of this! I'll be sure to add this to "the list". Thank you :D

and will the discussion/info posts have a tag?

*blinks* Oh yeah! I'll get on that. I'll also try to make a MASTER POST eventually and link to it in every post so people can have easy access to everything.


Re: Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS ennifer_jay November 9 2011, 07:13:52 UTC
Yeah if you could have a tag, that would be great. Then I can get email updates when someone uses the tag. :)


Re: Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS fenris_lorsrai November 6 2011, 19:03:22 UTC
Why is it just puppies and kitties? How about how rats save the world? we detect landmines! for bananas!


Re: Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS bushy_brow November 6 2011, 19:09:02 UTC
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Too cute! :-D *lurves her rats*


Re: Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS illusivevenstar November 6 2011, 19:15:29 UTC


Re: Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS bestdaywelived November 6 2011, 19:17:33 UTC
Maybe an atheism post, or chronic illnesses? I can provide links for both. I think an atheism post could be very useful, especially one that provides info about atheists of color, since, frankly, a lot of people are ignorant about atheism and atheists of color are often "invisible" :)


Re: Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS lickety_split November 6 2011, 19:35:51 UTC
Great ideas! I'll add those to my list and give you a heads up when I'm getting ready to draft! I can even see Chronic Illness turning into its own series since there are so many different illness that also crossover into other subjects. How exciting!

And ohhhh yes, an atheism post (with emphasis on atheists from marginalized groups)!


Re: Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS bestdaywelived November 6 2011, 19:52:10 UTC
Yay! I will send links when you need. :)


Re: Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS mephisto5 November 6 2011, 20:43:44 UTC
Re: Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS elialshadowpine November 9 2011, 06:24:24 UTC
I would definitely like to see a series on chronic illness, and I would be able to help out with both rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia. I'm not adverse to writing essays on the topics, either, if you're looking for personal essays. (Like, there are some good "how to explain your illness to family members and friends" essays but I have seen very few "how to deal with being diagnosed with a chronic illness" essays. But that may not be what you're looking for.)

Along the same line, I can also help out with mental illness inasfar as bipolar, anxiety, and ADD are related.


Re: Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS mephisto5 November 6 2011, 19:28:27 UTC
QUILTBAG is one of the best acronyms (stands for Queer/Questioning, Undecided, Intersex, Lesbian, Trans, Bisexual, Asexual, Gay) which I've seen.

Re: domestic violence post. Is this going to be in any way split up by country?


Re: Official Discussion Thread FOR FUTURE POSTS lickety_split November 6 2011, 19:45:13 UTC
QUILTBAG is one of the best acronyms (stands for Queer/Questioning, Undecided, Intersex, Lesbian, Trans, Bisexual, Asexual, Gay) which I've seen.


Re: domestic violence post. Is this going to be in any way split up by country?

That's a fabulous idea... instead, maybe instead of by country I'll focus on continents and regions. And along with DV, include other commonly related information and resources for people in those situations. It'll take a LOT of participation from other members of the comm to pull it off though. I can search in other languages, but I'll need help from native speakers and people that have lived in that area in order to check source validity (I don't want to accidentally lead someone into a trap, you know?) and provide links in that area's language.

Thank you for these suggestions! :D


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