Flyer: Herman Cain sold TEH BAYBEEZ out!

Oct 23, 2011 12:47

Mysterious leaflets in Iowa take aim at Cain's abortion comments

Des Moines, Iowa (CNN) - Herman Cain was the target of a mysterious attack Saturday night when leaflets targeting the Republican presidential frontrunner were left on car windows outside the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition's fall banquet in Des Moines.

The leaflets, one of which was left on the car of a reporter, accuse Cain of being “pro-choice” and question his opposition to abortion.

“Herman Cain threw the babies under the bus,” blares the flier, which features a headshot of Cain next to a picture of a tiny aborted fetus.

The leaflet seizes on comments Cain made about abortion on Wednesday during an appearance on CNN.

In an interview with Piers Morgan, Cain seemed to suggest that while he is personally opposed to abortion even in cases of rape or incest, that decision ultimately rests with the mother and her family.

“It ultimately gets down to a choice that that family or that mother has to make,” Cain said on the show, a quote that is re-produced on the leaflet.

Cain immediately found himself under fire from his conservative opponents after making the CNN interview.

He has since backtracked from the comments and said during Saturday’s forum in Des Moines that he opposes abortion, “no exceptions.”

But the black-and-white flier asks in bold font: “If a pro-choice candidate doesn’t have the Biblical foundation to know that murdering an innocent child is wrong in EVERY SINGLE CASE, how would that lack of a Biblical foundation influence his policy decision on traditional marriage and family values?”

Two groups named at the bottom of the flier take credit for the attack: “Iowans for Some Semblance of Christian Decency” and “Iowans For Truth and Honest Government.”

A message to an email address listed for Iowans for Truth and Honest Government was not returned, but both groups have surfaced in recent election cycles to wage shadowy smear campaigns.

Iowans for Some Semblance of Christian Decency targeted former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee with leaflets during his 2008 presidential bid, questioning his Christian faith and calling attention to his effort to help parole a convicted murderer who went on to commit another homicide.

Similar leaflets attacking Huckabee appeared in the primary state of South Carolina at the time.

Iowans For Truth and Honest Government took credit for fliers attacking Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad in 2009 during the early days of his Republican primary fight against conservative Bob Vander Plaats.

Those fliers appeared at the Iowa State Fairgrounds, where Saturday’s presidential forum was held.

Article source
Scan of flyer

Comment 1: Well, I guess Cain's been kicked out of the cool clique now.

Comment 2: If the fetus is the only one with the right to decide whether it dies, then why are they looking to criminalize miscarriages and stillbirths?

iowa, herman cain, abortion

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