Occupy protest critics exploit anti-Semitism

Oct 16, 2011 10:58

Occupy protest critics exploit anti-Semitism
Panicked conservatives are labeling the Occupy protests as 'anti-Semitic' in an attempt to break up the movement.
Source - Al Jazeera
MJ Rosenberg
Last Modified: 16 Oct 2011 10:12An ugly old tradition is back: Exploiting anti-Semitism to break the backs of popular movements that threaten the power of the ( Read more... )

al-jazeera, occupywallstreet, anti-semitism

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lai_choi_san October 17 2011, 00:49:00 UTC
They really need to review their history.


leprofessional October 17 2011, 00:59:11 UTC
wait what's going on in that poster???


barankhy October 17 2011, 01:44:43 UTC
The caption on the bottom says "The meaning of the Hitler salute"
The one in the picture can be loosely translated as "Millions back me up" (literally it's "millions stand behind me", but afa my English sense goes, that doesn't really carry the double meaning of 'millions' referring to people/monetary backing)


leprofessional October 17 2011, 01:51:34 UTC
hah. The left part looks like the Nazi anti-Jewish propaganda posters, and then the right part is Hitler looking so small. Would he ever portray himself like that? I was like WTF... is this like a WWII poster of the 'Hitler was actually Jewish' conspiracy?


brewsternorth October 17 2011, 02:19:20 UTC
Nerp, I think it's pointing out that it's the rich old plutocrats (most of whom were *not* Jewish bankers, but German industrial magnates) who helped fund Hitler's rise to power...


leprofessional October 17 2011, 02:26:33 UTC
B--ut is this a Nazi poster??? /needs sleep


brewsternorth October 17 2011, 02:27:52 UTC
Nope! It's a photomontage taking imagery from actual propaganda to completely reverse the message - a speciality of one John Heartfield.


leprofessional October 17 2011, 02:35:45 UTC
oic... merci bb!


lai_choi_san October 17 2011, 13:05:37 UTC
Big banks and German big corporations supported and financed Hitler in 1930s.

Not only that : try "Wall Street and the rise of Hitler" on Google...

Besides, I will point out the often forgotten fact that many Jews did really help the left leaning progressive movements in Europe in the interwar years.


brewsternorth October 17 2011, 02:18:01 UTC
That's that editorial cartoonist in the Thirties who was remixing Hitler's propaganda for the purposes of underground satirical magazines and I completely forget his name...


brewsternorth October 17 2011, 02:20:30 UTC
Got him. John Heartfield of Simplicissimus.


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