Obama: Don’t Boo Gay Soldiers

Oct 03, 2011 00:38

Obama: Don’t Boo Gay Soldiers

President Obama denounced GOP presidential candidates on Saturday for not speaking out against the booing of a gay soldier who asked a question on “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” during a recent debate.Obama made the remarks during his keynote address at the Human Rights Campaign’s 15th annual dinner at the Washington ( Read more... )

barack obama, lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities

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breexbree October 2 2011, 16:05:16 UTC
Will having campaign!Obama in the seat of power already mean that maybe he'll both say and accomplish more good shit? What do people think?


sandvich October 2 2011, 16:08:17 UTC
I hope so. One of the main criticisms of his presidency so far has been that he hasn't made good on his campaign promises, so kicking it up a notch and getting shit done while he's still got time would be a smart move politically.


chasingtides October 2 2011, 16:12:35 UTC
I can seriously cross my fingers for it.


jiaren_shadow October 2 2011, 16:22:09 UTC
I hope so. Be the man I voted for, Obama!


evelynwordsmyth October 2 2011, 22:44:30 UTC
And, because I'm a nerd, I immediately thought of that line from Return of the King: "Become who you were born to be!"


fog_dancer October 2 2011, 17:51:00 UTC
If he wins, he should be free to stand up for what he believes, since he can't be reelected anyway. Right now though? Shiny rhetoric is all he'll be giving.


amyura October 2 2011, 18:18:12 UTC
Sadly, this.


chimbleysweep October 2 2011, 20:14:06 UTC
This has been what I expected from the start tbh.


fog_dancer October 2 2011, 20:40:57 UTC
What exactly? A weak first term with barely any progress and a (possible) second term with more leeway?


ladypolitik October 2 2011, 21:21:36 UTC
That's totally what I was expecting, to be quite frank. The bit about the first term, anyway.


hola_meg_a_cola October 2 2011, 23:18:05 UTC
mte. I don't expect any real shit to get done unless he gets nominated for a second term.


txvoodoo October 3 2011, 00:29:25 UTC
Me too. History bears it out, too.

Ya gotta GET in the seat of power to use the power.


chimbleysweep October 2 2011, 23:57:04 UTC
Pretty much.


bees_beads October 3 2011, 01:13:10 UTC
That describes most presidents tbh.

I really wish presidents could only serve one five or six-year term instead of two four-year ones - the entire first term winds up being focused on re-election.


grace_om October 2 2011, 18:53:13 UTC
I hope so. And I think he *needs* to show he's walking the walk -- even when it means walking right into the GOP brick wall -- if he's really going to invigorate voters.


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