North Carolina to Vote on Marriage Amendment

Sep 13, 2011 15:40

Senate vote puts marriage amendment issue to the voters

RALEIGH, N.C. North Carolina voters will get to decide next May whether ban on same-sex marriage needs to be written into the state constitution after the state Senate voted Tuesday to put the issue on the ballot.

The state House voted 75-42 Monday in favor of the measure. North Carolina is the only state in the Southeast without such a provision.

The debate began just after noon, and Democrats quickly spoke out against the move. Sen. Josh Stein, D-Wake, said, "Most of us have gay neighbors, co-workers, friends and family members. Know that if you vote for this amendment, you will cause them pain."

Stein opened his comments by asking, "What are we doing here?" He noted the daily cost to taxpayers of the session and the need for aid in eastern counties still cleaning up from Hurricane Irene.

"With the state of our economy, we do not have the luxury to make anyone feel unwelcome. We need those jobs," Stein said.

Gov. Bev Perdue expressed disappointment Tuesday that the legislature is spending time on such an emotionally charged and divisive issue. Supporters of the ban and those against it rallied in Raleigh as the lawmakers met inside.

Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger said, "There is one thing that I don't think anyone can disagree with. If we don't go ahead and address this issue now, it will continue to come up.

"It is time to let the people of this state decide," he concluded.

Legislators on both sides of the debate mentioned the weight of history and the consideration of future generations in their comments. Many cited relationships with children or grandchildren as the reason for their stance.

State law already bans same-sex marriage, and opponents of a constitutional amendment contend that it is unnecessary. The Chapel Hill Town Council approved a resolution Monday night affirming that view.

Amendment supporters argue that putting it in the constitution would help the state against challenges from same-sex couples married in the six states that allow the unions.


Absolutely furious at my state! The rights of a minority should never be put to a majority vote! Besides, this is the same state that didn't ratify the 19th Amendment until 1971, didn't make marital rape illegal until 1993, and until 2006 had laws making cohabitation illegal and a class 2 misdemeanor! Sorry if I don't exactly have faith in North Carolina to do the right thing!

This amendment will also make civil unions and common law marriages illegal. So this really reaches a lot of people, though LGBTQ will be effected the most.

For what it is worth, the comments to this article are only mildly rage inducing. Most people who have commented are actually against this amendment which is a shock to me considering how many stupid uber-conservative comments are usually posted on there. Still, it may not be for the faint of heart.

discrimination, you stay classy, fail, flames on the side of my face, thank you! fuck you!, shit just got real, stupid people, voting, pray the gay away, somebody please think of the children!, you have annoyed me for the last time, north carolina, marriage equality, states rights, oh not this shit again, scumbags, fuckery, this is why we cant have nice things, family values, usa, homophobia, people suck, politics, lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities, i wish i could delete this, civil unions

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