Kind of suprised this hasn't happened already...

Aug 09, 2011 17:05

California signs on to plan to remake Electoral College

McClatchy Newspapers

SACRAMENTO, Calif. | The Electoral College, the system used for more than 230 years to pick American presidents, has been under siege since George W. Bush beat Al Gore to the White House despite losing the popular vote.

On Monday, California added substantial clout to a movement to overturn it.

Calling election by popular vote “basic, fair democracy,” Gov. Jerry Brown signed legislation backing an interstate compact to award the state’s electoral votes to the candidate winning the most votes nationwide, regardless of which candidate California voters choose.

The bill would take effect only if states controlling a majority of the nation’s electoral votes agree.

But California’s endorsement - and the commitment of its 55 electoral votes - provided the effort its most substantial lift yet. Now, eight states and the District of Columbia have adopted the agreement, representing almost half of the electoral votes proponents need.

Electoral College defenders say it keeps candidates from ignoring small states and rural areas.

electoral malfeasance, elections

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