Shit just got real in Wisconsin

Aug 04, 2011 12:43

MILWAUKEE - The Democratic Party of Wisconsin today filed complaints in multiple jurisdictions alleging that state Sen. Alberta Darling has committed multiple felonies as part of a collusion and obstruction conspiracy.

(See attached complaint.)

The complaints also name the corporate front group Americans For Prosperity, Wisconsin Family Action, Wisconsin Right to Life and the lobbying arm of for-profit education corporations, the so-called American Federation for Children.

Darling's campaign and political operation is alleged to have benefited directly from groups that are part of a loose "coalition" that is funneling millions of dollars into Wisconsin in defense of her and Scott Walker's agenda.

Only when forced by the threat of a lawsuit to release some emails that indicate coordination and collusion did Darling begrudgingly comply. But Darling is blocking the release of records relating to a Democratic Party of Wisconsin Open Records Request that includes groups such as Wisconsin Right to Life -- an extreme conservative organization that is under current investigation for campaign violations.

"It appears that Alberta Darling is engaged in a coverup to hide election collusion," Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Mike Tate said Thursday. "The last acts of her desperate campaign are not merely pathetic. They are illegal."


Note: Mods, could we maybe get an 'electoral malfeasance' tag to cover stuff like this and the fake absentee ballots? the "voter fraud" tag doesn't really apply to these things.

wisconsin, electoral malfeasance, fuckery, elections

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