credit card and car industry bailout too?

Sep 24, 2008 14:00

Detroit Three Expect $25 Billion -- So Who Bails Out Americans' Missing Car Payments?
Bailout Madness: Should Bad Auto Loans Be Bailed Out Too?
Auto financing aid sought
Financial industry joins administration in urging swift congressional action on bailout
Congress balks at $700B bailout plan, wants changes
Vulture Investors Circle Over Weak Banks
Wall Street bailout may bring little relief to homeowners

as soon as the government is giving out free money, everybody wants a piece of the pie. Credit card lobbyist want some of that for their bad debt, the car industry wants to be involved to pay off bad car loans... yeah, soon we will see the line get bigger with other lobbyist asking for money for 'bad debt'... thanks congress, I never knew welfare and free money for the rich and corporations were your first priority, screw the tax payers....

bailout, credit

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