Jul 29, 2011 03:36

Surprisingly, not FauxNews. This one comes from Uncle Sam! Please don't read the comments.

Wired's Spencer Ackerman obtained a copy of an FBI training powerpoint on the Middle East, which taught agents that the "Arabic mind" is "swayed more by words than ideas and more by ideas than facts."

The powerpoint also said that Islam "transforms [a] ( Read more... )

race / racism, foreign policy, muslims, islam, middle east, arabs, america fuck yeah

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perthro July 29 2011, 16:24:31 UTC
I know.

I actually had a comment that was better thought-out last night, but I didn't want to post it in the article space. Basically, it started with "WTF?!" and went from there.

- The "Arabic mind" is apparently completely irrational and immune to logic, favoring idealist religious circumstances over reality. *ahem Christian fundies*.

- Islam "transforms a country's culture into 7th-century Arabian ways"? Hold on, I gotta unsubscribe from OMGHijabis! Those jeans-wearing, anime-watching girls on Youtube in headscarves, man, they're just putting all of us back in the dark ages. Them and their math, and nice architecture, and cosmology. How dare they give us words like 'zenith' and 'nadir', while us DECENT, GOD-FEARING white people are arresting folks for saying the earth revolves around the sun!

- Pg. 38, Islam 101: "Hard for Westerners to Understand" is listed amongst pertinent information. orly? Because I got this book, Islam for Dummies, when I spent 10 years studying Abrahamic religion and it's predecessors, and... I gotta say, I've got a good fundamental knowledge in about two hours. I come from a highschool were two out of three GRADUATES can't read on an eight year old's level, and yet, I somehow came out with a working basic knowledge of the religion.

- 1,200 mosques nationwide in America, vs. roughly 335,000 churches (according to this: Oh yeah, those damn mooslins are taking over. Don't you know it. Maybe they're all secretly joining churches? That's roughly 280 churches per mosque. Damn, I'm terrified.

- Why does the government feel that circumcision rituals need to be included in this document?

I could go on, but fucking christ, sometimes I feel like I can't go on. When a girl can write a freaking essay on just how fucked up only a few pages of a training manual are (is?), there's a warning sign there. It's neon and flashing. And I'm pretty sure it says "Idiot American Racist" to the world.

Maybe I'm just biased. I had a wonderful Arabic mentor for a short time while growing up, and he radically changed my life for the better. Without conversion attempts. He was a firm believer in provoking thought and letting someone decide based on facts apparent to them. I owe him big time. <3


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