Trying to find a potential suicide victim

Jul 20, 2011 21:39

 (Off-topic, but I got in touch with the mods to make sure it was okay.)

Last night, favoritezipper posted a goodbye note on her Tumblr reading "I believe I’ll be closing down this blog, not least because I’ve taken a rather high dosage of sleeping pills and chased it with a slug of vermouth. Thank you, everybody, for everything you’ve done for me!" She also noted that she had some posts stored in her queue, so new posts cannot garuntee that she is still alive and posting. Since then, I and several other people on Tumblr have been trying to track her down, with limited success. Someone with access to her IP address ran it through a tracking website, but it was shifting, and only led to the general Seattle area. With this information, the Seattle PD were contacted, but both officers who were spoken to say that they can't do anything with the information given- they need a name of an address, and can't find her through the IP. That's why I'm posting this here. If there's anyone who knows this girl, please get in touch with either me or the Seattle police department and share the information. Her attempt was last night; she hasn't posted since then, and there's now ay of knowing if she succeeded, survived, or is somehow incapacitated by the pills she took and unable to call for help. The number for the police is listed here, and if you'd rather go through me, I can be contacted through private message. Please spread the word.

ETA: She just updated her Tumblr to let us know she's still alive! Thank you all so, so much for your help.
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