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gildinwen July 13 2011, 01:56:12 UTC

Why on earth would the Browns give you permission to release a story about their four month old son????

If you really cared about them and thought this was a public interest piece, then tell them about reciving infomation etc, and ask them if they'd like to make a statement about it....but no. This was all about selling newspaper and continuing to dog pile on Gordon Brown for being a dour scot. (IMO)

Then when he's gone from being Chancellor to PM and hand writes a letter of condolence you scream about how "insensitive" he was for spelling the mother's surname wrong- a spelling mistake you proceeded to make, while not having the excuse of being very nearly blind.

So just STFU Sun, and Murdoch??? GTFO out of my country and take your P.O.S Newspapers with


pageup July 13 2011, 02:12:54 UTC

I call crap on anyone who thinks a newspaper is the first port of call when they have a grievance about something like that condolence letter and I really doubt the morals and brains of anyone who would go to a paper or any news outlet with a story about a sick child who happens to be the son of the then chancellor. The Sun is full of bullshit when the say public interest was the reason for publishing and that they were given the story.


gildinwen July 13 2011, 02:26:17 UTC
It's just...even if they had been given the information by a member of the public, the decent thing to do would have been to give them (the Browns) the option of having an interview, not say we're running with the story whether you like it or not.

*Flames on the side of my face*


x_butterfly19_x July 13 2011, 02:13:32 UTC

He isn't even that dour! OK, maybe a smigdge, but he also comes across as a decent man and he obviously loves his family.
Better dour than hypocrites, sun.


bethan_b_bad July 13 2011, 02:19:29 UTC
A professor of mine was a big noise in the Labour party, and apparently Brown is actually fun, good company and very, very witty ... when there aren't any cameras around. As soon as he sees a camera lens, it's like a curtain comes down.


gildinwen July 13 2011, 02:23:10 UTC
I can believe that....some people aren't comfortable with the artifical nature of trying to be yourself when there's a camera right there watching you.

Regardless he seems like a decent man, and to see Murdoch and his papers dogpile on him- like they haven't done to any other politicians I don't think?-just makes me rage.


bethan_b_bad July 13 2011, 02:35:02 UTC
Yeah. I feel so sorry for that whole family, really. They haven't done anything to deserve what was done to them.


x_butterfly19_x July 13 2011, 02:25:15 UTC
See that makes me like him more for some reason :P
camera shy


bethan_b_bad July 13 2011, 02:29:20 UTC
I know, right? I know it's horribly fangirly, but Gordon Brown is such a political woobie. I don't agree with everything he did by a long chalk, but I just really like the guy!


x_butterfly19_x July 13 2011, 02:30:14 UTC
I get what you mean
Team GBro 4 lyf tbbqh


bethan_b_bad July 13 2011, 02:36:18 UTC


bethan_b_bad July 13 2011, 02:41:07 UTC
BTW: Friends? GBro fans should stick together! ;)


x_butterfly19_x July 13 2011, 02:52:17 UTC
yes! will add :)


ceilidh_ann July 13 2011, 09:11:45 UTC
Hell yeah! Socially awkward yet badass Scottish Edinburgh Uni students FTW!


x_butterfly19_x July 13 2011, 09:46:40 UTC
woot woot


gildinwen July 13 2011, 02:34:33 UTC
I like him too, and despite being partly responcible for the mess,* he did a lot to get us out of it....heck he got the economy growing by the time he left.

*He and other economists were all de-regulating,and the Tories were jumping up and screaming at him to deregulate more, so
*side eyes them*


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