Keith's Special Comment to the President

Jul 12, 2011 12:58

Keith Olbermann Issues Blistering Warning To Obama Over Potential Cuts To Social Security And Medicare (VIDEO)

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medicare, social security, keith olbermann, barack obama

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Guess I'll be the lame one here thefathomist July 12 2011, 19:03:36 UTC
if this deal with the Republicans takes a dollar away from those people who do not have a dollar to spare while preserving the millions for those who have millions more, if this deal, sir, keeps intact funding the mechanisms we have for killing people while cutting the mechanisms we have for keeping people alive and healthy, then it is a betrayal of everything that makes this country great."

Sorry Keith, you're wrong. This attitude is a perfect mirror image of the Republican/Tea Party position. If you want to get out of this mess and move forward, it's time for everyone to suck it up and be prepared to do some things you really don't want to do.


(The comment has been removed)

Re: Guess I'll be the lame one here carverhawke July 12 2011, 20:14:07 UTC
couldn't have said it better myself


Re: Guess I'll be the lame one here not_emily July 12 2011, 21:04:54 UTC

I'm so sick of this "well lol everyone has to sacrifice something" mindset.


Re: Guess I'll be the lame one here my_private_muse July 12 2011, 21:10:47 UTC
You're fucking incredible.


Re: Guess I'll be the lame one here salienne July 12 2011, 21:29:12 UTC
You're awesome, btw, just so you know.


Re: Guess I'll be the lame one here mswyrr July 13 2011, 00:04:50 UTC
Thank you, yes! GOD.


Re: Guess I'll be the lame one here rock_bottom July 13 2011, 00:06:36 UTC
I might be late to this comment party, but YES.


Re: Guess I'll be the lame one here sephirajo July 13 2011, 00:28:29 UTC
As someone trying to get SSI and having seen how the job market is especially when you have health issues to consider let me say this to you: BRAVO.



Re: Guess I'll be the lame one here noir_aya July 13 2011, 06:17:37 UTC


Re: Guess I'll be the lame one here dorawa July 13 2011, 18:36:16 UTC
god this


Re: Guess I'll be the lame one here salienne July 12 2011, 20:07:50 UTC
Please, tell me, what can people who rely on public benefits for food, housing, and health care "give up" in your book that's at all comparable to what millionaires and big businesses would have to "give up" if we raised their taxes from historic lows. How is forcing people to suffer, to go hungry, to stay sick, to even die, at all fucking equivalent to people giving up money they don't need for survival?

Sorry, but there's a difference between cutting benefits and raising certain taxes when we're discussing doing things we "really don't want to do."


Re: Guess I'll be the lame one here thefathomist July 12 2011, 20:54:58 UTC
I think Keith is being dramatic for the effect. Not everyone who uses certain public benefit programs relies on them 100%. The people who really are in that boat? Do nothing. I'm not asking them to do a thing.

My grandpa is 87 and has $500 prescriptions. Leave him the hell alone. But my dad turned 60 this weekend. He's got 5-8 years left in the workforce to save and plan ahead for certain medical expenses. And that's something different. Yeah, it sucks that he may have to get less than he was promised, but the problems with Medicare and Social Security are only gonna get worse as they go on. I'd rather the nation make that decision now when my dad is 60 and can at least do something, than when he's 80 and it's too late and the decision is made for us.


Re: Guess I'll be the lame one here salienne July 12 2011, 21:03:38 UTC
You realize the Republican solution involves cuts across the board affecting everyone in a certain age bracket, right? Not everyone is as lucky as your father, and especially given the current economy and the high cost of medical bills, even those who are aren't guaranteed to stay that way.


Re: Guess I'll be the lame one here salienne July 12 2011, 21:06:08 UTC
Also, if we're going by anecdata, my grandma (who lives solely on SSI, and depends on Medicare and Medicaid) has had prescription-related Medicaid benefits cut by the state of FL. (Not federal, but it's the same basic principle.)

Those who are going to be hurt by this aren't just those who can deal with lost benefits, while those who actually wouldn't be hurt by some sort of loss in their pocket books continue to remain untouched.


Re: Guess I'll be the lame one here thefathomist July 12 2011, 21:21:46 UTC
Yes, I do realize the Republican plan blows. I'm not in favor of it either. I'm outright against having a 100% Republican solution. The people who aren't so lucky should be spared further hardship, but again, not everyone who is in these programs is on death's door and without a penny. When KO uses his voice of righteous indignation to try and paint things in black and white, he looks just as childish as the very people he opposes.


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