Homophobic Guys Are Probably Slightly Gay, Says Science

Jun 18, 2011 21:20

The magazine Psychology Today reminded us of a 1996 University of Georgia study in which researchers took two groups of heterosexual men, one group identifying with homophobic claims and the other with more inclusive proclivities, attached their penises to devices that measure arousal, and then watched three types of porn: man-on-man, woman-on-woman, and then some old-fashioned hetero man-on-woman.

Not surprisingly, the study revealed that both groups were aroused while watching hetero and lesbian porn, but only admittedly homophobic participants were turned on by the gay porn.

I feel like this should be called the “No Shit” study. Or maybe the Bishop Eddie Long study. And if homophobia is an indication of deeper homosexual urges, then what does that say about Christian fundamentalists who so aggressively fight same-sex marriage? Are they the true face of gay America?

University of Georgia should now aim their penis meters at Newt Gingrich and Tracy Morgan and see how they react to man-on-man action.

But what I want to know, is if these participants in the study were self-proclaimed homophobes, then why would they agree to take a study that involved someone else fastening a device to their penis, and possibility a male scientist? I mean that sort of gives away the study right there, and before they even got down to the actual porn. A truly dedicated homophobe would never agree to a male scientist fiddling with their junk.

Death and Taxes Magazine

not the onion, pray the gay away, drill baby drill, science, homophobia, gay republicans, schadenfreude

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