Mitt Romney is a Twilight fan

Jun 02, 2011 01:45

Mitt Romney had quite a scandalous revelation to share on this morning's Today show: He does, from time to time, and always while exercising great caution, participate in certain leisurely activities, like watching television and reading novels. Would Mother Mittens approve of this? Let's just say, doubtful.

American Idol is a delightful television ( Read more... )

mitt romney, nbc, republicans. lol, republicans, puttin the ontd in ontd_political

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ruby_stevens June 2 2011, 07:46:36 UTC
Sometimes I almost feel sorry for him, in how he gets it in the neck for his Mormonism from the religious right wing of the GOP. But then I think of that speech he gave where he promised to hate gay people and the poor just as much as the religious right does and then I don't feel sorry for him anymore.


browneyedguuurl June 2 2011, 08:36:17 UTC
He what?!?


stalkedbychibis June 2 2011, 10:52:00 UTC
....Wait, what?!


sophiaserpentia June 2 2011, 12:02:25 UTC
Well, of course he didn't literally say "I promise to hate them, will you vote for me now?" But it is particularly interesting that he has embraced right-wing homophobia after once having promised to be a more effective advocate for the LGBT community than Ted Kennedy (when he wanted to be the Senator from Massachusetts, of course).


dreammeanyway June 2 2011, 13:45:44 UTC
Flip-flop Mitt


erunamiryene June 2 2011, 17:47:17 UTC
"I got my swim trunks, and my flippy-floppies" always makes me think of Mitt, every damn time I hear "I'm on a Boat". I think this means I spend too much time on ONTD_P, but it still cracks me up.


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