By Ray Gustini 05:05 PM ET
Just when it looked like Rep. Anthony Weiner's had reached maximum foot-in-mouth capacity in his pushback against that provocative photo somebody posted to his Twitter account, he went on the Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer this afternoon and managed to hit new levels of groin-photo ambiguity. After again denying he sent the image, Blitzer asked if he's ever taken photos "like this" before. Weiner replied that "there are photos out there" (He gave a similarly cryptic/smarmy reply when reporters asked him a few minutes earlier if he was in the photos. "There are photographs of me in the world, yes," he said.) At which point Blitzer brought out the heavy artillery, showing the image and asking "You would know if these were your underpants?"
At which point the room started getting fuzzy.
SOURCE Here's the full interview (2-part video):
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You know, I'm actually surprisingly sympathetic to his not answering any questions directly. Like, I can fully entertain that he privately possesses peen pics for non-creepy reasons, and that this may not be one of them. I can even entertain that it's totally his peen, and that it was simply not meant for publication. Once a person admits to taking pics of their own gonads, that's all the scandal needed; it wont even matter that it wasnt actually sent to second or third parties.
I don't get the appeal of taking/keeping nude/sex pics or vids of oneself, but I attribute that to taste; I mean, some of us have folders filled with pics/vids of people who aren't actually pizza or pool boys. It'd be pretty traumatic if someone got their hands on it, even if you didn't do anything wrong/illegal by possessing it. This is FAR more complicated, obviously. But I get the embarrassed ambivalence, I think.
He may also be lying completely. Either way, would LOVE to have this thing solved, already.