Anthony Weiner mega-post

May 30, 2011 12:45

Follow-up to this post.

On, known serial liar and corporate hack Andrew Breitbart and friends have cooked up another Shirley Sherrod style attack on a Democrat, this time NY House Rep Anthony Weiner.

Hacked or hung? )

anthony weiner, consider the source, oh shit the internet is here, sexual objectification of politicians, scandal, political stanning, lol wut, twitter, andrew breitbart, puttin the ontd in ontd_political

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danceprincess20 May 30 2011, 22:51:50 UTC
Oh, look, my screencaps and comments again. What did I get myself into? haha

To me it still comes down to a few weird things.

1) The patriotusa76 tweets from the past month or so. He claimed last night that it's just a weird coincidence that this happen a few weeks after he tweet "Is Weiner the next Chris Lee?"

2) The fact that, even if he was trying to send the picture as a DM, the picture would have been visible on his yfrog account when anyone clicked on any other picture.

3) A few conservative bloggers asked @patriotusa76 to find the picture in his cache to check the meta data (or whatever it's called). This is what happened:

4) Why was @patriotusa76 the only one to see the original tweet? He is the only one who has come forward and said he saw the original tweet before it was deleted. I saw the picture uploaded to yfrog which was deleted a bit later but he was the one who saw the actual tweet with the link and began tweeting to the media about it.

This whole thing is very weird.


danceprincess20 May 30 2011, 22:53:58 UTC
I really feel for the girl who it was tweeted to. Her name and face and phone number are all over the internet and apparently the whole world is contacting her family and friends.


ladypolitik May 30 2011, 23:00:50 UTC
....Really? -_-


danceprincess20 May 30 2011, 23:04:57 UTC
Yeah, when it first happened, @patriotusa76 was tweeting a ton (like, I'm talking easily a few hundred messages) that looked like this "@repweiner @hertwitterhandle Link @foxnews @breitbart @soandso. He has seen deleted them but admitted last night when I asked him about it that he both sent them and deleted. Then the right wing blogs were using the fact that she deleted her twitter, fb, etc as proof of guilt, he must have made her do it, etc. It was ridiculous. A bunch of her friends were tweeting as recently as today saying that they were being contacted.


ladypolitik May 30 2011, 23:08:03 UTC
I'm checking out her feed right now, and....ugh, this poor girl. I hope these constitute enough grounds for defamation/libel, because this is some major league bullshit.


antiotter May 30 2011, 23:34:36 UTC
The number four is really interesting. Not ONE other person, even a Wiener supporter, even re-tweeteed a "LOL, why is there a schlong on a his Twitter feed?"


danceprincess20 May 30 2011, 23:39:21 UTC
And I must have gotten on twitter right after the tweet was sent because I searched "@repweiner" looking for an article I'd tweeted earlier (a profile of Meghan McCain in which she said he was her favorite Democrat bc he's funny and has a hot wife). @patriotusa76's retweet popped up, I clicked to Weiner's page and it wasn't there. But the link in the retweet worked and then Weiner tweeted about hockey (which supposedly happened 4 mins after the link was tweeted).

So that means I must have missed the original tweet by (at the most) a couple of minutes and Weiner deleted it basically immediately. Then the picture stayed upload to his yfrog account for at least like 30/45 minutes before it was deleted. But @patriotusa76 is still the only person who apparently saw the actual tweet (there is a screencap of an archived version from some other site).

Very, very weird.


keithmex17 May 30 2011, 23:50:01 UTC



danceprincess20 May 30 2011, 23:51:52 UTC
In the comments of one of the articles I read someone said maybe he was just watching hockey in his underwear and accidentally took a picture. haha


tartary_lamb May 30 2011, 23:54:07 UTC
See, when I first saw it, that's what I thought, too. :P


antiotter May 31 2011, 00:15:37 UTC
That kinda makes sense. Ahem, I occasionally will send my girlfriend those kind of pictures, and that is the most half-assed junk shot, ever.

Speaking as a dude, when you're showing off your wang, you try to make it look as good as possible.

Not a half-assed, slightly blurry, poorly framed, awkward angle of a sorta-kinda-not really erect penis shot.


akuma_river May 30 2011, 23:54:19 UTC
Well, you can be logged into Twitter from multiple sources. I was logged in FB & Chrome and sent a text msg to twitter.

He probably did it from his blackberry and he still had access to his account.


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