Noam Chomsky: "The U.S. and Its Allies Will Do Anything to Prevent Democracy in the Arab World"

May 12, 2011 17:50

AMY GOODMAN: We turn now to the 25th anniversary of FAIR, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, the media watch group in New York, which just celebrated the 25 years of the reports they’ve come out, documenting media bias and censorship, and scrutinized media practices that marginalize public interest, minority and dissenting viewpoints.

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revolution / uprising, noam chomsky, israel, democracy doesnt work that way, arabs

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executivehpfan May 12 2011, 20:27:28 UTC
I was in Kuwait during the protests, and to my eyes at least, the lack of significant turnout was less about the intimidating presence of the authorities (or America's apparent head-turning) and more about how the Emir had tried to quell any insurrection by giving every citizen 1,000 KD just prior to the time the unrest got out of control in Egypt and Bahrain. The reason given was that it was a gift granted to celebrate the country's independence day, but anyone with a working brain knew that the money was to try and stave off any protesting.

Also, the people doing the protesting weren't the general public of Kuwait, but the 'stateless' biduns, who are looked down upon by nearly all the state's population as illegal, unwanted immigrants. Emboldened as they were by the revolution sweeping the region, there was still not enough support to make any significant headway. For that particular unrest to gain any notoriety, America would've had to call out the royal family for its suppression of the biduns, which would have in turn forced self-evaluation for the States' current clusterfuck of an illegal immigration policy. So Kuwait perhaps isn't the best example of this supposed reluctance to spread democracy.

That being said, the rest of this article is interesting.


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