Jan Brewer: Still Awful

Apr 18, 2011 23:12

Brewer signs Arizona bill on adoption preference

by Ginger Rough - Apr. 18, 2011 03:16 PM
The Arizona Republic

Married couples will have preference when it comes to adopting children under a new measure signed into law by Gov. Jan Brewer on Monday.

Senate Bill 1188, which was sponsored by Sen. Linda Gray, R-Glendale, would require an adoption agency to give primary consideration to adoptive placement with a married man and woman, with all other criteria being equal.

The bill applies to both state and private adoption agencies. Previously, only Utah has a law requiring priority for married couples, though several other states have bans on adoptions by same-sex couples or by unmarried couples.

Conservative groups and other supporters of the measure said children should have every opportunity to grow up in a household with a mom and dad. But critics said the bill will discourage singles from considering adoption in Arizona. About one-third of the foster children in Arizona are adopted by an unmarried person.

Cathi Herrod, president of the Center for Arizona Policy, and a strong advocated of SB 1188 said Monday that the bill was among those that dealt with "critical issues of life, marriage and religious liberty," and said she was "grateful" for the governor's support.

The bill goes into effect 90 days after the Legislature adjourns its current session, which is expected as early as Tuesday.

Brewer also signed Senate Bill 1169, which prevents the state Board of Nursing from regulating abortion, effectively prohibiting nurse practitioners from performing them.

adoption, womens health, womens rights, arizona, homophobia, abortion, lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities

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