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excusemesenator March 24 2011, 00:49:29 UTC
Why doesn't he? I dunno, maybe he's sick of doing it and has more important things to worry about than a bunch of morons and/or racists who will never be satisfied no matter what is produced.


antiotter March 24 2011, 06:58:43 UTC

Me: "Here's my birth certificate."

Some birther: "No, I need an original, with all this completely unnecessary shit that the Department of Defense or the State Department doesn't even require."


"Because I have a gut feeling that you faked your birth."


"Yeah, so I'm going to need you to go back to your home county, dig up..."

"Fuck you, dude. Seriously."


shadownlite March 25 2011, 04:11:15 UTC
This is what goes through my head when I think about the birthers whining about needed to see the actual birth certificate.

We all know that they would not be satisfied when tehy saw it anyway and would call it "fake".


antiotter March 25 2011, 04:20:58 UTC
Yeah, I have the same "incomplete" birth certificate that Barack Obama has, so I get extra annoyed.

Mine doesn't have a doctor, hospital, footprints, or whatever the hell the Birthers want. Just a time, date, place, my parents' names, and a county clerk's stamp.

I've been able to get a driver's license, a U.S. passport, enlist in the military, and obtain a security clearance. Nobody has ever asked me for a "long form" birth certificate.


shadownlite March 25 2011, 04:32:39 UTC
Same....and it is a photo copied "original" since I was born in 1972. And it has my dad's age scribbled out and corrected in ballpoint pen on the original it was photo copied from. I was born in southern California btw.

No footprints on mine and though it lists a hospital no doctor is listed.

It is what I got when I requested the original and have been able to get driver's license, US passport, and more with it.

I had a friend tell me Obama's was fake because it didn't list his religion...NOBODIES does! Not mine, not either of my two brother's, not my mom's, not my dad's, not other friends so what they are talking about "It lists your religion on your birth certificate so if it doesn't it is fake" is utter bullshit!


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