Middle East North Africa Protests - How Libya and Bahrain are killing their own people.

Feb 18, 2011 23:06

Live footage:
http://www.vingo.tv/viewing.php?channelID=13&br=l <- see no Al Jazeera name
http://www.youtube.com/aljazeeraenglish <- YouTube channel
http://www.enduringamerica.com/ <- Has a live stream post

Phone Apps:


Lists of Killed/Injured/Missing:
Guardian gathering a database of dead/missing
Egypt remembers <- List of dead with names, photos, history and time/place of death
List of those killed
Google Docs list of missing people
ABC News compiled list of Journalists attacked in Egypt
CPJ page on Egypt
CPJ report on the journalists under assault in Egypt

CPJ: Journalists Targeted in Bahrain, Yemen, Libya

Book: Transitions from Authoritarian Rule
Tor Project
Wiki page on 2011 Egyptian Protests
Pirate Pad <- list of contacts, tools, first aid tips, items to spread
Mashable <- Tips on how to use Tor, Proxies, and VPN
Google phone-in for twitter workaround
Telecomix <- Ham Radio, dial-up tools, etc
Telecomix <- How To Wiki to get online
Global Dial-Up lines for Egypt
Egyptian Resources List via @GoogleArabia
Translations of Arabic messages from Egyptians from @Speak2Tweet & @AliveInEgypt: http://egypt.alive.in/
Blacklists for those who Support the Mubarak Regime:
Google Doc Spreadsheet

Libyafeb17.com <- Website/blog with tools/info on Libya

Misc info to know:
WSJ: Smart Dictators Don't Quash the Internet <- a look at how Russia, China, and Iran destroy dissident threats through the internet
JackPark's 100 tweeps you should follow list
Foreign Policy: The Al Jazeera Effect
NYTimes Diagram of the Battle of Tahrir Square
Time Magazine: 10 Autocrats in Trouble
US Cable/Sat companies on requests for Al Jazeera English

Picture blogs:

The Atlantic In Focus twitter FB
2/18 Deadly Attacks Against Protesters in Bahrain

Boston.com Big Picture photoblog twitter FB:
2/11 Egypt, the wait
2/2 A harrowing, historic week in Egypt
Big Picture:Protests spread in the Middle East

DEMOTIX twitter FB:
2/17 Anti-Gaddafi protesters at Libyan Embassy in London
Egyptians celebrate in Ireland
Egypt Uprising page

Egypt protests
omarroberthamilton's photostream
Solilos 'Revolution'
الثورة المصرية The Egyptian Revolution
Dallas protests in solidarity with Egypt

Foreign Policy:
2/17 Crackdown
No More Heartbreak in Tahrir

2/18 Yemen protests
2/18 Egyptians celebrate Day of Victory
2/18 Bahrain funerals pro-reform protests
2/17 Yemen protests
2/17 Bahrani anti-government protesters clash with police
2/15 Demonstrations in Yemen and Bahrain
2/14 protests in Yemen, Bahrain, and Iran
2/14 Tahrir Square
2/13 Tahrir Square clean up
2/12 Muslim world celebrates Egyptian Revolution in pictures
2/12 Egypt New Dawn in pictures
Egypt in pictures

Los Angeles Times Framework photoblog twitter FB:
2/18 Unrest continues in Bahrain
This Week in Pictures Feb 14-20 2011
Pictures in the News: Feb 18, 2011
2/16 Attack on Protesters in Bahrain
2/15 Pictures in the News - Lone visitor at Giza Pyramids
2/11 Mubarak steps down
Pictures in the News: Feb 11, 2011 - Mubarak resigns

New York Times Lens photoblog Twitter FB:
2/18 Pictures of the Day - Uganda and elsewhere
2/17 Pictures of the Day - Bahrain and elsewhere
2/16 Pictures of the Day - Bahrain and elsewhere
2/15 Pictures of the Day - Egypt and elsewhere
2/14 Pictures of the Day - Bahrain and elsewhere
2/11 Jubilation in Tahrir Square

Sacramento Bee The Frame photoblog twitter:
2/17 Protests flare across the Middle East
2/11 Democracy protests bring down Egypt's Mubarak

Wall Street Journal photoblog Photo Journal:
2/11 Celebrations Follow in Egypt

25 Bahman fb page
Buzzfeed: the best faces of people celebrating Mubarak's resignation
halmustafa twitpic twitter website
Pictures of Egypt Protests
Pictures of Women of the Protests
Leil-Zahra Mortada on FB
Photojournalist Jano Charbel
We are all Khaled Said FB group Wanted for Justice album

via EA:
2/18 Egypt celebrates one week without Mubarak
2/15 Bahrain in Pictures
2/14 Iran in Pictures

Political Comics:
Carlos Latuff <- Twitpic @CarlosLatuff <- Carlos Latuff political cartoon artist
LA Times: reposting 3 Middle East cartoons

Political Posters:
7 posters for 25 Bahman

2/18 Popular Twitter Two video shot of same peaceful protest/violent massacre in Bahrain on Friday
POV of second line of protests http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USAMc_OUFn4&feature=player_embedded & POV from the side of the protests behind a tree http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwnUQcKXmMM&feature=player_embedded
They were chanting "Peacefully, Peacefully" before they were shot

The FULL 5 part interview with Wael Ghonim subtitled in English

via EA:
2/18 Libya, Bahrain, and beyond
2/17 Libya A bloody 'day of rage'
2/17 Bahrain
2/16 Iran Marches of 25 Bahman
2/14 scrapped story from Al Jazeera on how Mubarak was at the end of the line...but then he quit
2/14 Iran Marches of 25 Bahman
2/12 Algeria protests
Obama's Speech and Transcript on Egypt and the Fall of Mubarak


AL-BAB <- Guardian's editor Brian Whitaker blog updates with conversations from friends in Egypt


Photographic timeline of major Algerian events since the 1980's
Timeline of Algeria's 'dirty war'
2/15 live-blog
Protesters vow weekly protests every Saturday
2/14 live-blog
2/13 live-blog
Algeria page

2/19 live-blog
2/18 live-blog
2/17 live-blog
2/17 Clashes Rock Bahrani Capital
2/16 live-blog

Ex-judge to head Egypt reform panel
2/14 Tuesday day 4 of transition
2/14 Monday protests day 3 of transition
Pressure on Egypt army to deliver
Unsung Community Leaders
Egytian Minds are opened
2/12 Day 2 of the Transition
Live audio messages
2/12 Day 1 of the Transition
2/11 Friday Protests/Mubarak steps down
Anger in Egypt page <- page dedicated to the protests
Map of the 'day of wrath' throughout Egypt <- Where the protests happened in the nation
Timeline of all the Protests since January 25th
Gallery of photos of the protests
Al Jazeera tweets

Islamic Republic of Iran page

Curren live-blog <- Live-blog since 2/17 not much info coming out of Libya

Arabist <- leading English language blog on the Arab world

The Atlantic
article: After Mubarak Egypt's revolution will be far from over
Andrew Sullivan <- blogging on the Middle East protests
What Obama can do to save Egypt
A chart on freedom in the world

2/17 Thursday Middle East protests
BBC: Flashpoints of uprising
Egypt uprising page
Middle East section
Middle East Protests page
Mid East protests by country

Democracy Now!
Rolling Rebellions page <- Middle East and North Africa
Egypt page

Enduring America
2/18 Libya, Bahrain, and beyond
2/18 Bahrain, Libya, and all the way to Syria summarising Thursday's Day of Rage
2/18 The Latest from Iran
2/17 Iran live-blog
2/17 Bahrain and beyond live-blog
2/16 Iran special analysis
2/16 Iran live-blog
2/16 Bahrain and beyond
2/15 Egypt and beyond live-blog
2/15 Iran Analysis on 25 Bahran
2/15 Iran live-blog
2/15 Day 3 of the Transition
2/14 25 Bahman live-blog
2/12 Iran live-blog
2/13 Day 2 of the Transition
Israel and Egypt: Does stability follow the uprising?
2/12 Iran live-blog
2/12 - after the revolution day 1
2/11 Egypt Snap Analysis: Yesterday Celebration, Today Hard Work
2/11 A Letter to EA: "I Write to Your My First E-Mail from a Free Egypt
2/11 Friday protests/Mubarak steps down
2/11 The Defiance of Mubarak

Global Voices
Bahrain Protests 2011
Egypt protests 2011 page

The Guardian
2/18 Violence in Bahrain and Libya
more on 2/17 Middle East Protests
2/17 Middle East Protests
2/16 Middle East protests
2/15 Protests in the Middle East
2/14 Day 3 after Transition: Unrest in the Middle East
2/13 Op-Ed Egypt: After the revolution, the ballot box
2/12 Egypt the day after Mubarak quits
2/11 Mubarak resigns
2/11 Friday protests
Egypt page
Egypt protests page
Middle East section
Interative Map of the Middle East and Arab protests
Arab and Middle East Protests page
Guardian's twitter network on Arab and Middle East protests

Human Rights Watch
Middle East North Africa section
Egypt live updates

The Lede
2/18 Middle East protests
2/17 Middle East protests
2/16 Middle East protests
2/15 Middle East protests
2/14 Latest updates on Middle East Protests
2/14 video of Bahrani protests
2/13 With Humor and Determination Egypt Adjusts anew
2/13 On TV Monday Morning Quarterbacks Take on Egypt
2/12 Day of 1 of Egypt's Transition
2/11 Friday protests
New York Times visual map of protests <- photos and videos from locations on map


What's Happening in Bahrain live-blog

What's Happening in Egypt live-blog
Mubarak's Human Rights Record

ONTD_Political live-posts on Egypt
Osama's Worst Nightmare: Terrorism Is Not Cool Anymore!
How MLK Jr. Non-violently Bitch Slapped Osama Bin Ladden
English copy of the Montgomery Story comic
Part 11
Part 10
Part 9
Part 8
Part 7
Part 6
Part 5
Part 4
Part 3
Part 2
Part 1

WikiLeaks Egypt cables from 1/28

Tweeters to follow

Guardian World's Arab protests Twitter list

@SultanAlQassemi <- blogger for UAE news paper The National
@waelabbas <- Wael Abbas (Arabic)
@RHelmii <- Rowand Helmii Egyptian blogger
@jan25live <- telegraphs messages from inside Arbic media (as such beware of off sounding reports)
@Jan25voice <- telegraphs messages from inside Egypt
@shadihamid <- Expert with family/friends in Egypt
@ElBaradei <- Mohamed ElBaradei (future President of Egypt?)
@monaeltahawy <- Mona Eltahawy reporter
@weddady <- weddady Egyptian blogger
@Zeinobia <- Zeinobia Egyptian blogger blog
@3arabawy <- Hossam Egyptian social journalist blog
@Sandmonkey <- Sandmonkey Egyptian blogger post before he was captured
@beleidy <- Amr El Beleidy Egyptian blogger (travel)
@Alshaheeed <- Khaled Said protest group FB group Website
@EgyptUpdates <- BreakingnewsEgypt
@dadatrew <- cressida Egyptian blogger(?)
@shabab6april <- shabab6april The April 6th group (Arabic) April 6th group leader arrested
@mosaaberizing <- Mosa'ab Elshamy protester flickr
@TravellerW <- Mo-ha-med travel blogger?
@fatmaemam Fatma Emam <- blogger/researcher blog
Husband & wife bloggers @rehaam <- rehaam @amradelamin <- Amr Adel Amin blog
@IceQueer <- Ice Queer Egyptian blogger blog
@omarkamel <- Omar Kamel blogger, artist blog FB page

@EnoughGaddafi <- ENOUGH! Libya branch
@ShabaLibya <- Libyan Youth Movement FB page Website
@DJMeddi <- artist from USA with family/friends in Libya?

Human Rights Watch:
@hrw <- Human Rights Watch official twitter
@bouckap <- Emergency Services Director
@hebamorayef <- Human Rights Watch Libya/Egypt


@nolanjazeera <- Dan Nolan Al-Jazeera reporter
@evanchill <- Evan Hill Al-Jazeera reporter
@adamkary <- Adam Makary Al-Jazeera producer
@SherineT <- Sherine Tadros Al-Jazeera reporter
@glcarlstrom <- Gregg Carlstrom Al-Jazeera reporter
@RawyaRageh <- Rawya Rageh Al-Jazeera reporter
@AymanM <- Ayman Mohyeldin Al-Jazeera reporter
@TristanAJE <- Tristan Redman Paris producer for AJE
@AlJEnglish <- Al-Jazeera English twitter
@AJELive <- Al Jazeera English Live tweets
@AlanFisher <- Al Jazeera English reporter not in Egypt

ABC News:
@camapour <- ABC's Christiane Amanpour
@LaraABCNews <- Lara Setrakian ABC News reporter
@KiritRadia_ABC <- Kirit Radia ABC News reporter
@LamaHasan <- Lama Hasan ABC News reporter
@MarquardtA <- Alexander Marquardt ABC news reporter

@jrug <- Jonathan Rugman reporter in Cairo
@benCNN <- Ben Wedeman CNN reporter in Cairo
@NicRobertsonCNN <- Nic Robertson CNN reporter
@IvanCNN <- Ivan Watson CNN reporter
@arwadamonCNN <- Arwa Damon CNN reporter

@AlMasryAlYoum_E <- English Edition of Egypt's independent daily Al-Masry Al-Youm
@AlArabiya Eng <- Egyptian news media
@richardengelnbc <- NBC's Richard Engel
@sharifkouddous <- Sharif Kouddous reporter for Democracy Now! in Cairo (updates often)
@anjucomet Anjali Kamat <- reporter friend of Jeremey Scahill
@NickKristof <- Nick Kristof reporter FB page
@joshuahersh website
@ashrafkhalil <- Ashraf Khalil Journalist for Al-Masry Al-Youm (English Edition)

Other Media:
@arabist <- leading English language blog on the Arab world
@mwhanna1 <- Michael Hanna blogger who is translating Arabic messages
@RichSanchezTV <- Rich Sanchez is retweeting tweets he gets about Egypt
@EANewsFeed <- Enduring America's news feed twitter
@enduringamerica <-Enduring America's twitter
@nprpolitics <- NPR
@thelede <- The Lede's twitter
@JShahryar <- Josh Shahryar reporter
@ASLANmedia <- Reza Aslan reporter
@abuaardvark <- Marc Lynch reporter for Foreign Policy
@londonstani <- Amil Khan reporter
@Max_Fisher <- Max Fisher reporter for The Atlantic
@octavianasr <- Octavia Nasr reporter?
@TheNewsBlotter <- Chris reblogs news
@ioerror <- Jacob Annelbaum activists with WikiLeaks
@ArabRevolution <- Anon account
@habibh <- Habib Haddad activist
@alaa <- Alaa Abd El Fattah activist
@monaSosh <- monasosh activist blog
@litfreak <- Nora Rt'er
@globalfreemedia <- International Press Institute website
@pressfreedom <- CPJ Committee to Protect Journalists website FB
@ThinkAfricaFeed <- Think Africa Press
@demotix <- Demotix photojournalism
@ArabVoicesSpeak <- Samar Dahmash Jarrah Author of Arab Voices Speak to American Hearts, Public Speaker, Teacher and Radio Show (True Talk) co-host.

Fake accounts:
http://twitter.com/#!/baltagiya <- Pro-Mubarak propaganda as baltagiya is Arabic for thug
http://twitter.com/#!/GMubarak <- Gamal Mubarak Gamal's real FB

#Jan25 Egypt Tuesday
#Feb14 Bahrain
#Feb17 Libya FB Protest page
#Feb20 FB group

revolution / uprising, egypt, africa, middle east, libya, protest, iran, bahrain

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