MPAA to Shut Down Teh Internetz, Starting with Google!

Feb 06, 2011 16:06

Will Google Lose Their Series of Tubes? Can John McClane Stop MPAA in Time Before they Turn Off The Internet (and our Porn)? Will The Onion Sue MPAA for Stealing Their Idea? Get your Popcorn Now!

MPAA Snags Google Downloading Torrents, Threatens to Disconnect

In recent months Google has received dozens of copyright infringement warnings from MPAA- ( Read more... )

google, fail, not the onion, trolls gone wild, pirates, censorship, internet/net neutrality/piracy

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piratesswoop February 6 2011, 23:24:50 UTC
who would illegally download the green hornet, ew


kitschaster February 6 2011, 23:26:52 UTC
Hey man! It makes a great date movie. >_>


chikkiboo February 6 2011, 23:33:55 UTC
It's better than paying for it

cf that awful Ultramarines movie Games Workshop put out recently


entropius February 6 2011, 23:37:59 UTC
ogod, GW making a movie?

Sounds ... terribad.


chikkiboo February 6 2011, 23:41:05 UTC
It was fun to watch with a bunch of friends who like making fun of Space Marines (oh GOD they were the most bickery Ultramarines EVER), but as a movie it was exactly as crap as you'd expect


entropius February 6 2011, 23:45:55 UTC
I like making fun of 40k in general (having played WHFB, where the rules are ... far better) and Space Marines in particular, whose battle cry as far as I can tell is herp derp 3+ armor save herp derp!

Also, icon love!


superfan1 February 6 2011, 23:34:46 UTC
Is the movie as bad as people say it is around the net? I loathe Seth Rogen but do love me some Jay Chou.


ook February 6 2011, 23:38:26 UTC
Oh god. Green Hornet is HORRIBLE. Seth Rogen is terribly miscast as the Green Hornet. The guy playing Kato isn't very good. And I swear that Rogen was just making up his lines as he was filmed (even though he was paid as a writer for the movie). The best thing in the entire film is the freakin' CAR! :(


evildevil February 6 2011, 23:41:37 UTC
and they are worried that this is being pirated because?... If anything downloading the movie is punishment enough...


superfan1 February 6 2011, 23:45:10 UTC
Ha, funny how in interviews seth rogen said he put his all in this movie. Since he was a big fan of the Green Hornet;got in shape and to do the character justice and all that about making it a serious action movie.


ook February 6 2011, 23:51:11 UTC
Wow...that film was NOT a serious action movie. It was like a really watered-down "Kick-Ass" with awful writing. And Rogen still looked fat. Sigh...I'm just so disappointed. I was hoping for a halfway decent film and Green Hornet was just a disaster. :(


homasse February 7 2011, 01:49:02 UTC
The guy playing Kato isn't very good.


Well, OK, he's a giant dork (*see icon*) but whatevs. Gotta defend my favorite singer. :p


vilawolf February 6 2011, 23:55:46 UTC
It depends on knowing where Green Hornet came from. If you know that Green Hornet was invented specifically to mock the radio dramas Zorro and The Shadow and the TV show came into being to mock the Batman tv show than it's a blast and a very funny movie.

If you think Green Hornet is OMG Serious Business or "untouchable cannon material" in the Superhero genre then you're missing the point of it all and of course you'll think it sucks.

Green Hornet is the Overpowered Troll of all things Superhero. It was never meant to be anything other that.

In the Green Hornet Fandom, the Wank Trolls You.


illusivevenstar February 7 2011, 11:53:45 UTC
lol exactly. I loved the green hornet. Was a lot of fun.


CHICKEN MMMAAAAAANNNNNN!!!! tiger0range February 7 2011, 17:01:42 UTC
Umm... That is all I have to say...

(ahem... was this mike live?)


homasse February 7 2011, 01:52:39 UTC
Jay is the only reason I'm going to go see the movie. The only reason. I am that much of a fan girl that I will sit through a bad movie where Jay is trying to act in a language he doesn't actually speak, and I will enjoy it. By god.


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