"School releases YouTube post from Loughner".

Jan 15, 2011 23:58

Jared Lee Loughner, now accused in the shootings of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and 18 others, walked through campus last fall rambling about his 'genocide school.' The video led Pima Community College to suspend him.
Los Angeles Times | January 15, 2011 ( Read more... )

gabrielle giffords, arizona, youtube

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koalafrog January 16 2011, 05:18:13 UTC
I haven't forgot the teacher that gave me the B for freedom of speech.

Can I just say that I've had students who made me feel a little frightened to give them the grade they earned. They're more entitled attitudes than... on the level of Loughner, but jeez you never know, man.


entropius January 16 2011, 05:25:55 UTC
Arizona was thinking about passing a law allowing students to carry weapons on campus. The following conversation ensued:

Dr. A, the professor I TA'd for at the time: "Yeah, it's kind of silly."
Dr. B, a colleague of Dr. A's from out of state: "I think it's just a way to encourage attrition among the senior faculty to save money..."
Me: "Damn, Dr. A, we'd better make our [computational physics] course a little easier, then, or we're in danger!"
Dr. A: "I'm not worried. Not unless the students can shoot better than they can code."


koalafrog January 16 2011, 06:43:38 UTC
Yikes but lol @ Dr. A's optimism!


entropius January 16 2011, 08:42:01 UTC
Dr. A is occasionally hilarious. He's the terror of the undergraduate population... but he's recently gotten two cats, and seeing him slip food to them when his wife's not looking when they crawl onto his lap during dinner is hilarious.

Another great quote of his (in 2007): "The Arizona budget crisis? It's like one of those Wile E. Coyote cartoons where he runs off a cliff and keeps going for another 15 meters or so before he realizes that gravity ought to be doing something."


"Of course Phoenix doesn't support education. It's full of old retiree snowbirds who just want to die with as low of taxes as possible, and don't care about the future because they don't have one!"

(He's in his late 50's and is a cancer survivor, so he's not being cavalierly insulting to old folks)


ladypolitik January 16 2011, 05:52:29 UTC
Totally empathize. Last year my car was stolen. For sending a student to the principal's office.


koalafrog January 16 2011, 06:41:54 UTC
omg are you for real?! Was it the student or someone connected to the student? That's intense - the worst we've had are all-4-tire slashings.

I'm sorry you had to deal with that, bb! People just don't know what teachers go through :[


ladypolitik January 16 2011, 07:14:35 UTC
For real! After I had him ejected from class, he escalated with the principal, which lead to a 3-day suspension. And the FIRST day back from his punishment, he went *into my purse* and took my keys when I had stepped away from my desk. Since they were remote control keys, it was a matter of strolling into the parking lot and "beeping" open the right car.

And though the student was the one who initiated the theft, it was clear that he rolled in older, "professional" circles -- the car was eventually recovered pretty much gutted of major parts, upholstery slashed everywhere, and changed plates.

...All that over being rightfully disciplined. :|


iamglory January 16 2011, 07:37:01 UTC
That's crazy as fuck! So is he on his way to jail?


ladypolitik January 16 2011, 07:52:40 UTC
Yes, but mostly for unrelated crimes, I'm sorry to say. :| He was heading down a no-good path to begin with; I happened to be another cog in the machine of his own self-destruction, I guess.


(The comment has been removed)

lickety_split January 16 2011, 17:53:28 UTC
Well she doesn't live in the US, so I'm guessing her insurance didn't laugh at her claim and send it back to her with LMAO written on it.


ladypolitik January 16 2011, 17:59:22 UTC
Insurance was fantastic, I was able to get a loaner within hours of the incident. Insurance also covers more than half of the expenses for a replacement vehicle of equal value if the stolen one isn't recovered within 3 weeks -- which is what ultimately happened in my case; it was two months before the car was found.

The fact that it was a used car, and that we had a great record with our insurance company to begin with, helped the situation a lot, and made the financial consequences of the theft much easier to deal with.


salienne January 17 2011, 06:42:51 UTC
O_O That's bizarre, and terrifying, and awful. I'm happy your insurance helped you out, even though they didn't cover all costs.

...suddenly more nervous about my Teach for America application, though, ngl.


komichi January 16 2011, 14:56:45 UTC
I'm sorry to hear that. ngl this comment is making me respect teachers more, I didn't really think about how much courage it must take to handle some students.


miss_padfoot January 17 2011, 06:20:13 UTC
Yeah, one of my profs once told me that he had received vague, awkward, semi-joking-but-maybe-not threats of gun violence from a student over grades. He doesn't afraid of anything, so he just gave the student the grade he deserved and hoped not to hear from him again, and he didn't, but... D:


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