Jan 12, 2011 21:09


I know we're going to have an awesome 2011, but in order to do so, your Mama Mod is here to go over some of the rules that need refreshing.

Rule #1: No sexual objectification of politicians. UNLESS THEY'RE CUU-UUUUTE~

Rule #2: No popcorn.gif. UNLESS THERE'S PLENTY TO GO AROUND!

Rule #3: No party posts. UNLESS THE MODS ARE INVITED!

Now, girls, we've been having some issues lately with HOW TO CONTACT YOUR MAMA MODS. As you know, we think of you all as our daughters, and we love it when you keep in touch, but some ways to do it are better than others.

What not to do: PM/email/tweet your favorite mama. We are a team, and we cannot do things on our own; when you contact one of us individually, don't be surprised if you only get a note back reminding you to use proper channels.

What to do: Email all of your mama mods at This address can be found in the community contact info in the profile. This account is set up to forward emails to each of our accounts. Or else use the open post at ontdp_mods, where comments default to screened. Keep in mind that oftentimes when you personally contact a mod, it's for things that a maintainer is required to handle in the first place - moderators cannot edit posts, delete or screen other people's posts or comments, or ban anyone. This is a good reason to use our methods of collective communication. That way a maintainer will be sure to see it ASAP.

Your mamas know that even if it's not your first time, sometimes posting to the community can make you nervous or frightened. But girls, we're here to make your time in this community as totally awesome as possible. So for all of us to get along in the mod queue, here is WHAT YOU NEED TO DOUBLE-CHECK WHEN YOU SUBMIT A POST. When we were young humans, we would screw up our posts all the time, but you don't have to do the same if you follow these four simple rules.

a) Source. Every post must have a link, and that link must not be to some frumpy little turd's blogspot. Acceptance is at mod discretion.
b) Tags. Every post must have them, and they must be existing ones. If you want to create a new tag, submit a request or say so in the post.
c) LJ cut. If you have to scroll to see the whole thing, put it behind a cut. If pictures are wider than 500 px, put them behind a cut, too.
d) Trigger warnings. USE THEM.

Additionally, always double check your HTML. We get a lot of submissions where the HTML is jacked.

IF YOU ARE NOT SURE IF A SOURCE IS OKAY OR WOULD LIKE TO DO A SPECIAL/NON-STANDARD POST, CONTACT US FIRST AND WE WILL GET BACK TO YOU. This will save you the pain of facing rejection from your mama. Human tears are very natural, but nobody wants to see you cry over your post getting the axe.


!mod post

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