Sharron Angle Weighs in on Tucson

Jan 12, 2011 14:20

Sharron Angle Defends Inflammatory Rhetoric In Face Of Criticism

Nevada Republican Sharron Angle came to her own defense on Wednesday in response to criticism of her use of inflammatory language that made headlines and raised eyebrows during her unsuccessful campaign to unseat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid during the midterm election season.

Angle and her questionable choice of words -- such as floating "Second Amendment remedies" as a possible solution to use "when our government becomes tyrannical" -- landed back in the spotlight following the tragic shooting in Tucson, Ariz. last Saturday in which numerous victims were wounded or had their lives taken.

CNN reports that Angle released a statement on Wednesday condemning "all acts of violence," but dismissing criticism of her choice of words as dangerous.

"I condemn all acts of violence," said Angle. "The despicable act in Tucson is a horrifying and senseless tragedy, and should be condemned as a single act of violence, by a single unstable individual."

The conservative favorite went on to defend herself, as well as Sarah Palin and the Tea Party movement in response to recent criticism.

"Expanding the context of the attack to blame and to infringe upon the people's Constitutional liberties is both dangerous and ignorant," she said. "The irresponsible assignment of blame to me, Sarah Palin or the Tea Party movement by commentators and elected officials puts all who gather to redress grievances in danger."

HuffPost's Sam Stein reported last year on incendiary remarks made by Angle that came to light during her campaign:

Sharron Angle, the Tea Party candidate turned Republican primary winner in Nevada, has taken heat for a number of extreme affiliations and policy positions. One of the more outlandish was a statement she made during a radio interview last January in which she floated the idea that the public would bring down an out-of-control Congress with "Second Amendment remedies." ... In an interview she gave with conservative talk show host Bill Manders earlier in the campaign, Angle conspicuously floated, once again, "Second Amendment remedies" to deal not just with the supposedly ever-growing "tyrannical" U.S. government, but to replace her now general election opponent: Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.).


gabrielle giffords, arizona

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