~Time Warp: British Seize New York Weapons!~

Jan 05, 2011 17:39

It's now January 5th 1775! It's only a few months before the American Revolution begins, and the political situation is very tense. The colonists are bitterly divided between compromising with the British and fighting the British. Please welcome today's guest correspondent James Rivington, editor of the esteemed Rivington's New-York Gazetteer Or The Connecticut, Hudson's River, New Jersey And Quebec Weekly Advertiser!

Excuse the fact that he uses the long f instead of s in his writing:

I have collected True and Honeft accounts of this story from both thofe loyal to the Crown and the filthy rebels:

For thofe who are interested in more of my reporting, here is the entirety of today's iffue:

I truft that the officers of the Crown were doing the right thing in seizing those weapons. I have seen what the mob is capable of. All they do is shout about tyranny while caufing fear in the hearts of honest men!

SOURCE: My senior thesis research.

!time warp

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