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ZOMG TREE SURGERY fenris_lorsrai January 5 2011, 18:37:37 UTC
I'm at work, so can't watch.

Instead I am watching the tree surgeon take down a monsterous tree next to the driveway. He has a remote control woodchipper. It's like the most terrifying robot ever. IT IS AWESOME.

I swear half the neighborhood is standing around watching this. GIANT MACHINES. MAN IN TREE. STUFF FALLING WITH CRAHES. It's like an action movie.

Pics later.

So far he's been really skilled and got everything to fall in about a 10X10 area.


Re: ZOMG TREE SURGERY brewsternorth January 5 2011, 18:43:50 UTC
NGL, that sounds kinda cool.

I'm guessing that minimum collateral damage from falling trees requires this Mechagodzilla to be deployed.


Re: ZOMG TREE SURGERY fenris_lorsrai January 5 2011, 18:57:24 UTC
They've got one dumpt truck, a truck with a robot arm, a bucket truck, and the robot wood chipper here for this one tree. Mind, the tree is about 200 foot tall and the midsize limbs are as big around as a person. IT'S FUCKIGN HUUUUUUUUUUGE.

There's also four guys, the tree surgeon, the bucket operator, and two cops here since they're dropping them partially in the road to avoid the power lines.


Re: ZOMG TREE SURGERY alryssa January 5 2011, 18:49:24 UTC


Re: ZOMG TREE SURGERY fenris_lorsrai January 5 2011, 18:59:33 UTC
He's gotten to the bigger limbs now, so everytime one hits the ground, you can feel the THUMP through the building floor.


Re: ZOMG TREE SURGERY alryssa January 5 2011, 19:05:20 UTC


Re: ZOMG TREE SURGERY fenris_lorsrai January 5 2011, 19:50:24 UTC
It's double awesome since the reason the tree is coming down it because the center is rotted out. So you get a different sound when he drops a solid one versus a hollow one. THUD followed by PLOOOONK. It's like someone is throwing drums!


Re: ZOMG TREE SURGERY alryssa January 7 2011, 04:58:28 UTC
Ooh, I've dealt with wood like that for bonfires. I love how the really dried out stuff just catches right on fire and sometimes you get this WHOOOOSH of flame up the middle if it's hollow...


Re: ZOMG TREE SURGERY haruhiko January 5 2011, 19:23:47 UTC
that's what she said?


Re: ZOMG TREE SURGERY fenris_lorsrai January 5 2011, 19:53:42 UTC
I have a massive pile of wood!


Re: ZOMG TREE SURGERY haruhiko January 5 2011, 20:01:45 UTC


Re: ZOMG TREE SURGERY alryssa January 7 2011, 04:57:18 UTC
But will it still be there in the morning~


Re: ZOMG TREE SURGERY othellia January 5 2011, 19:58:20 UTC
But does he have eighteen kids?


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