Investigation Starting into Mormon Church and Mormon Congressmen Over Personal Use of US Diplomats

Dec 15, 2010 23:55

Salt Lake City, UT - The Mormon church has once again gotten its hands caught in the cookie jar. Political watchdogs are calling for an investigation into the Mormon Church as well as Mormon members of Congress for using US Diplomats to further their religious agenda ( Read more... )

mormonism, separation of church and state, switzerland, mormons, congress, harry reid, religion, fuckery, orrin hatch, foreign policy

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metatrix December 16 2010, 15:46:55 UTC
Why are they sending missionaries to Switzerland of all places? I thought like to pray on poor and vulnerable third-world children?


intrikate88 December 16 2010, 16:36:23 UTC
For a minute there I thought you misspelled 'prey on'. Both 'prey' and 'pray' work in this context though.

/compulsive editor


metatrix December 16 2010, 16:40:14 UTC
You're totally right. I did mean 'prey'.

My comment fails now :(


intrikate88 December 16 2010, 18:36:56 UTC
Nah, I think it wins for having double meanings! :P


brennessel December 16 2010, 16:39:56 UTC
I think they send them pretty much everywhere. They walk around my neighborhood sometimes. Give me forms to send away for a free Book of Mormon or something. I sort of get the impression that their program is more a character-building exercise for the missionaries than a strategic effort to maximize the number of converts, but what the hell do I know.


urban_stoop December 16 2010, 17:20:58 UTC
They send them everywhere. There was a total Mormon run on my town (in tiny provincial Germany) this summer for no apparent reason. I think the church just throws a dart at a map and hopes it doesn't hit water.


silmaril December 16 2010, 18:52:10 UTC
"Oh shingles. Tell Elder GenericOne and Elder GenericTwo that they might want to look into one of them airplane lifevests..."


theartema December 16 2010, 18:29:44 UTC
They can do it for loads of reasons- I've had friends go on mission trips in 1st world countries in order to build houses for people in poorer districts or aid in setting up soup kitchens and the like. The groups we've sponsored have always been discreet about their faith- they're not allowed to harass people or even approach people about their beliefs unless asked outright, in order to not alienate the communities they go into.



burningelectron December 16 2010, 22:42:34 UTC
Nope. One of my friends went to France.


notgarystu December 16 2010, 22:46:41 UTC
Because Mormons believe that Jeebus won't return to earth until they've spread The Gospel™ to all corners of the world.


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