Investigation Starting into Mormon Church and Mormon Congressmen Over Personal Use of US Diplomats

Dec 15, 2010 23:55

Salt Lake City, UT - The Mormon church has once again gotten its hands caught in the cookie jar. Political watchdogs are calling for an investigation into the Mormon Church as well as Mormon members of Congress for using US Diplomats to further their religious agenda ( Read more... )

mormonism, separation of church and state, switzerland, mormons, congress, harry reid, religion, fuckery, orrin hatch, foreign policy

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urban_stoop December 16 2010, 14:54:25 UTC
Harry Reid's a Mormon?!?!?!


rhonan December 16 2010, 15:05:40 UTC
Yeah, they're not all Republican. Besides, Mormon Democrats make a hell of a lot more sense then gay Republicans.


tmlforsyth December 16 2010, 17:33:45 UTC
How about gay Mormon Republicans?


notgarystu December 16 2010, 22:57:59 UTC
Lmao. Anecdata: I've seen it, but I've never seen it last. They've either become gay ex-Mormon Republicans or gay Mormon Democrats/non-partisans.


joshlymanftw December 16 2010, 17:02:22 UTC
WAS JUST ABOUT TO SAY THIS!!!! Whaaaaaaat the hell.

ps Bartlet FTW


tmlforsyth December 16 2010, 17:17:06 UTC
Well, he is a Nevada Senator. And Udall is also a Mormon Democrat and to the left of Reid, though the Udalls are Mormon Kennedys in the West. Some things trump partisanship, like religion.


urban_stoop December 16 2010, 17:19:29 UTC
That's true about Udall, that didn't even register with me. I'm just honestly surprised because Mormons do tend to be super-conservative, right (or at least the church is- of course that's true for catholicism as well!)?


tmlforsyth December 16 2010, 17:33:09 UTC
Well, Reid is anti-abortion, which may be more rooted in his Mormon beliefs. I'd say Mormons are more monolithic than Catholics, and on economic issues, the Catholic Church is officially very left-wing, but not out of socialism as much as being so reactionary, they consider capitalism too radical.


actourdreams December 16 2010, 18:13:16 UTC
That was my first reaction, directly before "But does he wear the special underwear?" *is twelve*


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