Godzilla Violently Wrecking Tokyo Too Violent for Tokyo?

Dec 14, 2010 21:59

Tokyo Anime & Manga Ban Passes

Tokyo’s ban on anime, manga and games featuring “virtual crimes” or which are “likely to interfere with the healthy development of youth” has passed after the DPJ agreed to support it.

The DPJ’s only addition to the critical portion of the law was a short rider which requests “prudent application of the law in light of any artistic, social, scientific or satirical merits the work might express” - it does not however add any legal obligation to consider these, or establish any clear or indepdently enforced criteria for judging whether a work can be declared “harmful” or not.

In response...
Kadokawa To Boycott Tokyo Anime Fair Over Ban
(some nsfw photos here)
Due to the size of Kadokawa’s vast publishing empire and its many subsidiary publishers, the move would see everything from Haruhi and Ore no Imouto to Gundam and Index removed from TAF (although anime adaptations of certain titles published by Kadokawa might still be present if produced by independent companies), denuding it of many hit titles and probably devastating the event, even without any other companies following suit.

To be honest, finding out this didn't freak me out but I did get interested while reading potential fallout from this. If businesses set up shop elsewhere, they take a huge chunk of economy with them.

cartoons, japan, youth, censorship

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