Tea Party favorite Christine O'Donnell isn't letting her Senate election defeat get her down.
She is forming an issues-oriented political action committee, our Gannett colleague Nicole Gaudiano reports this morning.
It will be called Christine PAC, and O'Donnell said she will set it up so she can endorse candidates, pay for independent campaign ads in certain races, lobby on issues and do things "that other activist organizations have the handcuffs on because of the IRS."
O'Donnell was one of several "mama grizzlies" to be endorsed by former Alaska governor Sarah Palin. The Delaware Republican shot to national prominence of sorts when she scored an upset victory over Rep. Mike Castle for the GOP Senate nomination.
Despite the Tea Party fervor, O'Donnell lost to Democrat Chris Coons by about 17 percentage points, and he's serving the rest of the term in the seat Joe Biden left to become vice president.
After Palin's failed vice presidential bid, she started Sarah PAC -- which has allowed her to raise money for candidates and do other political activities.
O'Donnell says her PAC will be different. "I want to take on projects to help raise awareness about these political issues" such as repealing the health care law and eliminating the so-called death tax.
Stay tuned. Nicole says O'Donnell had a lot to say to reporters last night after a Tea Party gathering in Virginia.