Czech gay asylum 'phallometric test' criticised by EU

Dec 11, 2010 14:21

The EU's leading human rights agency has sharply criticised the Czech authorities for using a controversial method of testing whether homosexual asylum seekers are genuinely gay. The Fundamental Rights Agency said the Czech Republic was the only EU country still using a "sexual arousal" test. Gay asylum seekers are hooked up to a machine that ( Read more... )

czech republic, immigration, lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities

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hotcoffeems December 11 2010, 19:15:10 UTC

What kind of pseudoscience is THIS mess?! The "supervision of experts"? Experts in what? always with the asylum seeker's full written consent. Yeah, because no one would feel coerced by this...


salienne December 11 2010, 19:29:55 UTC
Yeah, because no one would feel coerced by this...

Hey, it's a simple choice! Either submit to the test, or be sent back to a country where your life is in danger. What's coercive about that? :DDD


merig00 December 11 2010, 19:33:06 UTC
The "phallometric testing" is only conducted after the asylum seekers have consented and when it is not possible to verify a person's sexual orientation through other means, said Czech Interior Ministry spokesman Pavel Novak, according to news reports. It has been used in fewer than 10 asylum cases, he said.

The test, which is performed by a sexologist, consists of showing the homosexual asylum seeker heterosexual pornography while measuring his "physical reaction," according to the report by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights.

It is performed when the authorities doubt the credibility of men who are seeking asylum in the Czech Republic because they would be persecuted for their sexual orientation in their home country.


hotcoffeems December 11 2010, 19:37:11 UTC
Funny, because sexuality being such a basic thing, and having such a wide spectrum, people who are heterosexual can certainly be aroused by gay porn and vice versa. It's SEX being depicted. As long as it is not openly repellent to the person (e.g., a particularly gruesome act/unusual paraphilia/etc.), why on earth wouldn't a person be likely to be aroused by it? Arousal is at a very base level.


dreammeanyway December 11 2010, 20:10:46 UTC
seriously, this.


romp December 11 2010, 21:26:59 UTC
That's how I see it but I'm not a sexologist.


kyra_neko_rei December 11 2010, 20:03:48 UTC
The "phallometric testing" is only conducted after the asylum seekers have consented

And they let them right on in if they don't consent, right? Or do they say "insufficient evidence" and commence with the deportation.

Some consent.


romp December 11 2010, 21:26:14 UTC
good point


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