only positive reveal from wikileaks, tbh

Dec 05, 2010 20:30

American embassy-report disses foreign affairs minister Carl Bildt.
"Carl Bildt has limited political skills, and his suit is too large compared to his power.

In the Wikileaks-documents that were released a week ago, the view that American diplomats have on the world's leaders is revealed.

Among other things, the French president Nicolas Sarkozy is described as an emperor without clothes, and Russia's prime minister Vladimit Putin is described as an alfamale.

Now there are reports of how the Swedish foreign affairs minister Carl Bildt is described in the American diplomatic reports that are sent home to Washington. And the description is anything but flattering.

Carl Bildt is apparently "respected, has much knowledge of the surrounding world and an impressive network of contacts". But Bildt also has "limited political skills" and "puts on a suit that is to big compared to the power he has".

To make him happy and to get close to him, one should "play on Bildt's desire to play on a high level".
Before a visit to the USA the former American president George Bush was advised to flatter Bildt by pretending to be impressed by his international deeds.

source: (translated by me)

hahahahaha. After all the depressing leaks, uncovering the politicians' Burn Book is pretty funny..

diplomacy, lulz, fucking valuable thing, nicolas sarkozy, trying too hard, oh shit the internet is here, vladimir putin, stupid people, wikileaks, america fuck yeah, drama, incompetence, nobody, scumbags, conservatives, lol wut, usa, people suck, oil, fail, wtf, you stay classy, thank you! fuck you!, europe, i can see russia from my house, lies, ninjas, animals, how to win friends and influence people, totally awesome, poetry, fuckery, conspiracies, national tragedies, evil, politics, sweden

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