If you watch Harry Potter backwards it’s about a young wizard who gets sent into witness protection

Nov 30, 2010 15:23

Harry Potter and the Incredibly Conservative Aristocratic Children's Club

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epic post, books, totally awesome

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rex_dart November 30 2010, 21:37:18 UTC
omg we agree. <3


paulnolan November 30 2010, 21:47:01 UTC


danyjoncew November 30 2010, 22:20:02 UTC
Ahahahahha. Exactly! Well, I don't haaaate him, I just don't love him and I wouldn't give a shit if he died. Plus, his love life annoyed me senseless.


leelakin December 1 2010, 00:04:09 UTC
I was actually kinda pissed that he didn't stay dead XDDDD I don't hate him either or anything but I was like "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO PULL THIS THROUGH DAMMIT, IT MAKES MORE SENSE THIS WAY"


notgarystu November 30 2010, 22:34:51 UTC


muppetfromhell December 1 2010, 00:19:16 UTC
Exactly. he's a whiny little emo and Neville is way fucking more interesting as a potential hero. I gave up after he started TALKING IN ALL CAPS.


celtic_thistle December 1 2010, 01:18:07 UTC
I find the "background characters" way more interesting. :/ Harry is a Gary-Stu.


roseofjuly December 1 2010, 01:33:01 UTC
Gawd, this. I don't *hate* him, but I found myself strongly disliking him. I was always on Ron's side when they got into arguments!


stevie_jane December 1 2010, 04:00:00 UTC
He always got the wrong end of the stick and it made him look srsly dense. Not as thick as Ron, at least, but it was a never ending frustration all the same.


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