Issac Yeffet, former Security head of El Al, tells Keith Olbermann why the TSA's methods do not work

Nov 18, 2010 02:12

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A followup of sorts to the last TSA post. Bonus Footage in this clip: Keith Olbermann uttering the phrase "If you touch my junk, I'll have you arrested" and Taiwanese Next Media's bombastic take on the whole controversy.

msnbc, terrorism, civil liberties, tsa, keith olbermann, privacy, fourth amendment

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Why no, I'm not bitter. somatosensation November 18 2010, 13:44:58 UTC
In b4 "this is how things are, deal with it."


Re: Why no, I'm not bitter. windy_lea November 18 2010, 14:33:27 UTC
LMAO at your icon.

Also, I can't believe people are still arguing that tired shit. Like, really? I'm not going to get used to it. Doing that has cost us every liberty we've lost up until now. Fuck that. If anything, I'm more done with 'dealing' than I've ever been before. And I hope I continue along this trend towards civil disobedience, because as many of us as can, should.

I just haven't figured out which route to take. I do have to fly, if I want to see family back in the US, but I am not looking forward to the pat-down. I want to shove their 'punishment' for not falling in line back in their faces. Because their gizmo sucks ass, and they deserve to know.


Re: Why no, I'm not bitter. othellia November 18 2010, 15:14:54 UTC
I do have to fly, if I want to see family back in the US, but I am not looking forward to the pat-down. I want to shove their 'punishment' for not falling in line back in their faces.

BUT U COULD LIEK TOTALLY GET ON A BOATZ!!! Sure it might take you an extra couple of weeks, not to mention that there aren't many services that take people across the ocean on boats anymore, but it's not like someone's FORCING you to go to the airport. You have a choice, therefore it's totally not sexual harassment.



Re: Why no, I'm not bitter. somatosensation November 18 2010, 15:38:30 UTC
That explosion yesterday was ridiculous.


Re: Why no, I'm not bitter. othellia November 18 2010, 15:41:29 UTC
I actually had a person tell me that - as a person who's from Hawaii - I could just get on a boat if I was that opposed to the TSA's new procedures.


Re: Why no, I'm not bitter. somatosensation November 18 2010, 15:43:33 UTC
Oh no, you can't do that. You'll be putting yourself in a position to potentially be sexually assaulted, and well, since you made that choice, it's not really sexual assault.

You should swim.

I kind of hate everything right now, so pardon my overwhelming level of bitterness.


(The comment has been removed)

Re: Why no, I'm not bitter. sobota November 18 2010, 17:03:29 UTC
dolphins are evil. take a seal.


Re: Why no, I'm not bitter. iconnu November 18 2010, 17:20:57 UTC
Srs. Dolphins, douchebags of the ocean.


Re: Why no, I'm not bitter. othellia November 18 2010, 17:27:01 UTC
As long as it's not a Hawaiian Monk Seal; we get arrested if we even touch one let alone try to ride one to the mainland.


Re: Why no, I'm not bitter. sobota November 18 2010, 17:30:35 UTC
whatever, it'll keep you from ~flying~ won't it? :D (and if you're in jail, then they'll have a reason to pat you down! it's fucking ingenious.)

i need to sit out on these discussions. my sarcasm goes all over the place.


Re: Why no, I'm not bitter. rufinia November 18 2010, 20:24:13 UTC
Google suggest kayaking, if you get directions from Seattle to Japan.


Re: Why no, I'm not bitter. ididthatonce November 18 2010, 18:25:24 UTC
Has this person never been on a boat on the Pacific? Not fun.

Full disclosure: we hit a storm on my cruise to Alaska, and thus I hate the Pacific Ocean.


Re: Why no, I'm not bitter. windy_lea November 19 2010, 09:42:39 UTC
YER RITE! I NEVER THOUGHT B4. But now I see that SWIMMING is TOTES the better option.


LMAO, yeah, there was some beautiful bullshit in play in that post. I don't even know how long a boat from Japan would take. I do know that while I have more vacation days than anyone else in the family, I don't have enough for that. I don't think I even have the sick leave for it.


Re: Why no, I'm not bitter. fruhlings November 18 2010, 14:37:26 UTC


popehippo November 18 2010, 14:51:28 UTC
If so, can we beat them? With canes?

'cause, you know, mindless violence is just part of how things are, so surely they would not complain.


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