135 people feared killed in Tsunami found alive

Oct 31, 2010 01:58

msnbc.com news services
updated 10/30/2010 6:15:11 AM ET 2010-10-30T10:15:11
Share Print Font: +-Up to 135 people reported missing after a tsunami wave hit Indonesia, killing more than 400 people, have been found alive, according to reports.

Sutrisno, vice-chairman of the National Agency of Disaster Mitigation (BNPB), said the death toll as of Saturday at 1 a.m. ET was 413, China's Xinhua news agency said.

"As many as 163 others are still missing, reduced from 298 in the previous data as 135 of them are already found alive," Sutrisno told Xinhua in a brief message.

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posted because we need some silver liniing of happy in a sea of depressing news.

PS: Anyway to get a tsunami tag up here?

deaths, indonesia, global warming

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