O'Donnell In 2007: Scientists Have Created Mice With Human Brains!

Sep 16, 2010 22:17

Delaware Republican Senate nominee Christine O'Donnell has previously sounded the alarm against cloning and stem-cell research -- and what she's described as the current terror of human-mouse hybrids.

We previously noted that O'Donnell had attacked her primary opponent, Congressman Mike Castle, based on his support for stem-cell research. But it turns out that her interest in the subject goes back much further. As Little Green Footballs has spotted, O'Donnell appeared in 2007 on The O'Reilly Factor, to speak out against such research in response to the cloning of some monkeys. Then came her warning on human-mouse hybrids.

"They are -- they are doing that here in the United States. American scientific companies are cross-breeding humans and animals and coming up with mice with fully functioning human brains. So they're already into this experiment."

It's possible that O'Donnell was misremembering this 2005 report on scientists who successfully grew human brain cells within mice -- which is not the same as an actual functioning human brain, but a demonstration that human brain cells can be made from stem cells.

However, there is also some other stunning video evidence proving O'Donnell's dire warnings, and the potential terrible consequences for not only America, but indeed the whole world. Check it out [at the source --OP]

Source: Talking Points Memo


I know there have been a lot of "Hey guys, Christine O'Donnell is crazy" posts in the past two days, but this is truly exceptional. Little Green Footballs has more context.

In other news, I just donated to Chris Coons. I cannot even believe this lunatic beat Mike Castle in anything ever.

christine odonnell, delaware, stem cell research, batshit

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