"Is the Old Spice Guy good for black America?"

Sep 11, 2010 00:16

Is the Old Spice Guy good for black America?
Old Spice's viral TV ads have turned black spokesperson Isaiah Mustafa into a star. Will his breakthrough success benefit other African-American men?

posted on July 22, 2010, at 3:49 PM

There's no question that Old Spice's current marketing campaign has transformed Isaiah Mustafa, the award-winning ads' hypnotically charismatic black spokesperson, into a pop-culture icon. Nearly 100 million viewers have watched him chastise unmanly men and straddle horses on YouTube. The ads have also earned Mustafa, a former NFL player who'd had bit parts on shows like "Ugly Betty," a lead role in a Tyler Perry movie and a talent deal with NBC. But will the prominence of a black Old Spice Guy have spin-off benefits for other African-American men? (Watch the Old Spice Guy's farewell.)

Yes, the campaign is a big step forward: Not long ago, black men had two possible roles in advertising: "Violent savage or passive, simple-minded gofers," says Cord Jefferson in The Root. "A muscular black man addressing America's 'ladies'-not just black ladies, but all ladies-in a sexualized tone could have gotten him killed." This sophisticated, intelligent Old Spice Guy throws such notions out the window (from "Why the Old Spice Guy is good for Black America" @ TheRoot.com).

Mustafa is good for America, period: There is something affirmatively "post-racial" about the casting of a black man (with a Muslim name, no less) as a mainstream sex symbol, says Tricia Romano in The Daily Beast.  "One could argue that having a handsome black president has softened a lot of people’s ideas... Obama’s shaky polls notwithstanding." Let's hope Mustafa paves the way for greater diversity in pop culture (from "The Old Spice Man's internet triumph" @ TheDailyBeast.com).
But is his race really such a big deal, at this point? Mustafa wasn't chosen "because we have a black president," says Dodai Stewart in Jezebel. "We have a black president because we're living in a time when Isaiah Mustafa can be cast as the Old Spice Guy." With diverse representations of black men in TV shows from "The Wire" to "30 Rock" to "Lost," African-Americans are no longer conspicuously invisible (from "Did Obama prepare America for the Old Spice Guy?" @ Jezebel.com).



Of all the blog analysis excerpts features in the article, I'm only really comfortable with the insights offered from Jezebel (read the full version), even if I still disagree with a few points.  The other two fall for the whole Post-Racial America™ trope that glosses over still-relevant and complicated issues with regard to contemporary racial (VARIOUS racial)  representation/characterization in advertising/TV. Let's flesh out why we agree or disagree with the premise that the Old Spice ads have opened up the doors for minorities on TV.

race / racism, capitalism, sex, presidential ab-point, advertising

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