Metro newspaper + rape culture = BFFs 4 lyfe

Jul 21, 2010 22:47

Breaking down Mel’s BREAKDOWN
Jonathan Alpert

QUESTION: What’s your take on Mel Gibson’s recent tirade? Is he losing his mind? What about his ex-girlfriend, Oksana Grigorieva?

What we’re seeing play out between Gibson and Grigorieva happens every day in America, countless times over. Screaming, cursing, punching, knocking teeth out … well, maybe not the last thing, but sure, nasty fighting with passions running high when child custody is at stake. Throw an A-list celebrity and his Russian beauty into the mix and you have high drama and gripping headlines. Just because Gibson is famous doesn’t mean he’s immune to the tragedies of relationships. The recently released audio is glaring evidence of that. By no means is Grigorieva to blame for the tirade, but if indeed she felt so threatened, then why stay on the phone? People in this type of situation who feel scared are not as composed, controlled and strategic as Grigorieva, but rather panicked, and the usual response is to flee the situation. This, of course, begs the question of her intent. But for that I’ll defer to the legal experts.


So what might Mel’s words reveal about him? Let’s take a look at some of his now-infamous quotes:

“I stand up for myself! You, you weak c-, you call the f-ing cops!”

He dismisses her involving the authorities. Perhaps he thinks he’s immune to or above the law, given his celebrity status.

“You don’t have any f-ing friends except me!”

He wants to play hero. And he might be projecting his loneliness or isolation onto her.

“I’ll put you in a f-ing rose garden … I’m capable of it.”

His laughter when he says this might suggest he derives pleasure from inflicting pain - an indicator of narcissism and a grand sense of entitlement.

“You need a bat in the side of the head … selfish b-.”

He’s displacing onto her his great frustration in the form of anger. He’s resorting to a barbaric approach to problem-solving and is truly unhinged.


Usually when I glance at the Metro for the purpose of not falling asleep during my morning subway commute, it pisses me off that I write about it on my own LJ. I'll certainly be doing that, too, but I thought you folks could probably have a fucking field day with Alpert a) using absurdly apologetic language concerning Gibson's behavior and domestic violence in general, b) acting like Grigorieva was stupid and/or conspiratorial to not hang up the phone, and c) being in desperate need of getting his psychotherapy license taken away.

If you're not familiar with Metro's rampant misogyny (or its other problems), I can direct you to about 40% of their articles, including their headline/first paragraph for yesterday's news about the "rape by deception" case in Israel: "Look out, Casanova: Rape just a lie away - Be careful of the lies you tell in the name of sexual conquest: There’s a new rape in town, and it’s surprisingly consensual."

Mods, can we have a misogyny tag, pretty please?

you stay classy, fail, not helping, sexism, celebrities, gender, rape

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