Tweets Mocking Scientology Could Spell Trouble For Cheeky Cardiff Councillor.

Jul 20, 2010 21:55

Councillor faces inquiry over tweet calling Church of Scientology 'stupid'
Watchdog says Cardiff councillor John Dixon's Twitter message 'likely' to have breached code of conduct for local authority members

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scientology, twitter, religion, politics, internet/net neutrality/piracy, uk

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rex_dart July 20 2010, 21:12:54 UTC
Cool story time. I lived literally a block from that Scientology building on Tottenham Court Road for two months and quickly started not making eye contact and giving them an "all stocked up on crazy" stock response as I brushed past the people handing out pamphlets. Literally the only time they didn't even try to hand me something was the one time I walked past holding hands with my girlfriend. The guy took a half step forward, opened his mouth to speak, hesitated, and gave up without saying anything. So I guess gay is the antidote to Scientology. The more you know~


thehousesparrow July 20 2010, 21:17:24 UTC
Good for you!


spidergwen July 20 2010, 21:19:32 UTC
I lived across a Scientology building when I lived in Louisville. Those bitches were so crazy, I much prefer hot Mormon ass bugging me than those dead eye'd Scientologist.


rex_dart July 20 2010, 21:22:55 UTC
At least usually with the Mormons if you ask them to go away they do. Scientologists are so much harder to get rid of.

And significantly less attractive, yes.


zoram July 20 2010, 22:31:09 UTC
Mormons always seem to be strangely hot. And compared to Scilons, the risk of them dumping your body in a ditch within 24 hours feels pretty small.


paulnolan July 20 2010, 23:52:37 UTC
Unless they're Glenn Beck.


zoram July 20 2010, 23:55:14 UTC
lol, ew. Fortunately we don't have many of those here. The majority of all mormons you'll come across here are cute, young american guys in suits ;)


paulnolan July 20 2010, 23:56:53 UTC
They do tend to send cuties out door-to-dooring, yeah. :D


zoram July 21 2010, 00:00:40 UTC
Yep! And there's an extremely obvious "mormon-type" in the Stockholm suburbs, lol. Young, cute, white guys with heavy American accents, flyers and nametags riding bicycles. And they're always surprised when I call them mormons :P


angry_chick July 21 2010, 17:23:53 UTC
Mormons seem to apparently not like to solicit my black self. It's great. They solicit my former roommate all the time, and even when we walked together, they wouldn't come up to her, even though we were the only people around for several feet.

Black is apparently the antidote to Mormons.


zoram July 21 2010, 18:49:10 UTC
I had heard of them being pretty damn racist, but that really sucks :/


angry_chick July 21 2010, 18:50:49 UTC
Shit, I'm not complaining. I would probably just take their literature and use it as toilet paper.


zoram July 21 2010, 18:53:23 UTC
Not being recruited into a cult isn't a particularly huge loss, but the sentiment behind it is pretty rage-inducing. And I have a copy of the Book of Mormon! It's quite a... special book. It's written like bad bible fanfiction.


lisaee July 20 2010, 21:29:16 UTC
Now I know what to do when they try and sell me a copy of Dianetics. I'm getting bored of them, they never change their approach.


fatpie42 July 20 2010, 21:31:26 UTC
If it's so important that everyone read Dianetics why don't they give copies away for free? Hmmmph.


red_pill July 21 2010, 00:26:34 UTC
i brought a copy of it for a penny from ebay

the intorduction over sells its self so baddly i havent gotten any further then that. its...special!


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