Name on Stoughton water tower misspelled

Jun 18, 2010 20:13

STOUGHTON, WI (WKOW) -- There is a big boo boo in Stoughton. The city's name is spelled wrong on its new water tower.

Its spelled Stoughon. Missing the "T."

People flooded Racetrack Park to see the spelling blunder for themselves.

"I don't know what it says about the guy, he may have to go back to school for a little bit," said Hannah O'Connor, a Stoughton resident.

Stoughton Public Works says the mistake was made by a contractor from Illinois.

"They did get one side right but missed the other one," said Public Works representative Brian Hoops.

Hoops says the contractor will be back Friday morning to start fixing the mistake. They'll do it free of charge.

It should be corrected by the weekend.


Posting this cause I live in "Stoughon" and we need more lighthearted news here. I would love to know why we're hiring out-of-state contractors, and from Illinois no less.

stupid people, wisconsin, slow news day™, lol wut, facepalm

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