Rifqa Bary (Christian Convert From Muslim Family) Has Cancer - Pamela Geller Blames The Parents!

May 27, 2010 12:08

Okay, the Rifqa Bary situation is a long story. Here's a quick summary:

She's a girl from a Muslim family who was indoctrinated by an evangelical Christian group who helped her run away with them. She now seems insistent that her parents want to kill her, but the courts have found much of what she has said has been false. Her claim that her blood is halal sounds more like something told to her by the evangelical Christians than language that Muslims in favour of honour killings might genuinely use. In initial interviews at that stage she was generally seen clinging to the evangelical group leader and surrounded by people with "Islam Is Of The Devil" t-shirts.

It turns out that her parents are actually from a fairly moderate Islamic group, not least since they do not originate from a country where Islam is the dominant religion. (They are from Sri Lanka.) Images of her cheerleading in the typical revealing outfit were displayed in the lounge while it's clear that the brother drinks alcohol - neither of which would be consistent with an overly strict Muslim upbringing. Accusations have been made that her  parents' are actually illegal immigrants. She is now back in Ohio, but away from the evangelical group living with foster parents.

I have posts on this here and here, but below I've included some good official sources for people to quickly get themselves up to speed.
(Source 1 - The facts on the Rifqa Bary case)
(Source 2 - Video of news interview with Rifqa Bary's parents)
(Source 3 - Typical video news report showing Rifqa Bary clinging to the evangelical preacher who 'saved' her.)

So here's the latest news. She has uterine cancer.

So what, yeah? I mean seriously what relevance does that have to anything? It's not like you could blame cancer on anyone..... oh wait a minute. Here's an article from Pamela Geller where she pretty much blames Rifqa Bary's medical condition on the parents. Wtf?
While this is a tragedy, how Rifqa is being victimized by her lawyers and her parents is nothing less than an atrocity. Her lawyers kept her in the dark about her condition -- despite the seriousness of her cancer -- for well over a week while they conferred with her parents and their CAIR-appointed lawyers about her treatment. While most cases like this result in a hysterectomy, Rifqa is only having the advanced malignancy removed. From what I understand, the survival rate in cases like these is only five percent.

Was she allowed to get a second opinion? No.

While she was lying ill, her lawyers brought her parents to her hospital bed. She was awaiting treatment and when she saw them, whereupon she became very agitated and upset. Her parents had to be removed.
The article later descends into conspiracy theories:
Will authorities then deport her?

There is no way of knowing for sure, but CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood reportedly have infiltrated senior levels at the State Department so deeply that it is a distinct possibility.


BTW Pamela Geller was recently in another ontd_p post about a group offering to rescue Muslims from fundamentalist families. Some people were a little concerned about this and I suspect your initial gut feelings will be vindicated by this.

(Via Right Wing Watch)

islam, christianity, religion, islamophobia

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