Gordon Brown 'stepping down as Labour leader'

May 10, 2010 17:20

Gordon Brown has said he is stepping down as Labour Party leader ( Read more... )

uk: labour party

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Comments 335

lisaee May 10 2010, 16:29:06 UTC
I wasn't expecting that at all. I've had BBC News on in the background for about 4 hours, then there was a sudden BREAKING NEWS banner.

Bloody hell.

I really wouldn't wish the job on anyone at this moment in time. Asides from maybe Cameron.


siobhanc92 May 10 2010, 16:52:56 UTC
I woulddn't wish Cameron even on my worst enemy too. So it's best someone else does it. ;)


m_h_p May 10 2010, 16:29:54 UTC
Oh Gordon :( In an odd way, I will miss him.

Bring on Miliband though!


m_h_p May 10 2010, 16:31:19 UTC

This was so good - half manifesto, half eulogy :(


_autumncolours May 10 2010, 16:32:19 UTC
Woah, I didn't expect that to happen so quickly.

But all of this is making me ridiculously hopeful that we might end up with Lib-Lab after all... *crosses fingers*


spacewalkers May 10 2010, 17:15:33 UTC
I think this means Conservatives aren't offering reform, so it's looking likely! :D


maclyn May 10 2010, 16:32:33 UTC
Oh my god, squeaky bum time for Cameron.

I'm not a labour, lib dem or tory supporter, but I have to say, this is DELICIOUS. Labour were suspiciously quiet over the past few days, and I was wondering what Mandelson and Campbell were going to pull out of the hat. Mandelson and Brown are still good at fucking people over.

At the end of the day, Labour have offered the Lib Dems a better deal. More cabinet seats and a public referendum on PR; the Lib Dems had said to them they just didn't want Brown. Cameron is going to be fuming, especially since Clegg's met Brown in secret a couple of times over the past couple of days.

Cameron must be pure RAGIN. LOL!


roboplege May 10 2010, 16:35:39 UTC
I probably give a limb to see Cameron's face right now. Probably.


stevie_jane May 10 2010, 16:37:34 UTC
This is so funny, anything that puts a dent in Cameron's smugness is a winner in my book.


siobhanc92 May 10 2010, 16:39:02 UTC
That's an upside to this news. :D How long to the Tories go looking for blood with Cameron epically screwing everything up. :D


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